Azad-BalabanianAzad Balabanian is the co-host of the ResearchVR podcast where he discusses the latest cognitive science research that applies to virtual reality with fellow cognitive scientists Petr Legkov and Krzysztof Izdebski. The premise of their work in VR is that the more that we understand about how humans work, the better VR experiences that we’ll be able to create.

The ResearchVR podcast has covered topics ranging from time perception in VR, to VR and memory, to Presence in VR. I had a chance to catch up with Azad at SVVR 2016 where we discussed what cognitive science can teach about VR user experience design, the connection between memory and perception, privacy in VR, biohacking for sensory augmentation, neuroplasticity, and how VR can be applied to doing cognitive science research.


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  • Donna Monbourquette

    This podcast is exactly what I needed! I’m a cognitive science masters student and this podcast is going to be so helpful in choosing a topic and finding relevant research! Thank you!