13 Trippy Screenshots of the new ‘Rez Infinite’ for PlayStation VR

15 years after the launch of the original Rez (2001) on Dreamcast, the new Rez Infinite (2016) will come to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR.

On the official PlayStation Blog, Rez creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi says that Rez Infinite is “the futuristic ‘synesthesia’ experience I’ve wanted to create from the beginning.” He says that the development of technology since the original game has finally allowed him to achieve “the game [that] comes closest to what we saw in our heads when we were creating [the original Rez]: vivid colors that blend seamlessly into one another, crystal-clear textures, and razor-sharp lines…”

See Also: ‘Rez Infinite’ Coming to PlayStation VR, First Look at Gameplay

13 Rez Infinite screenshots give an idea of the wild look of the next-gen and VR version of this genre-defying on-rails rhythm shooter.

Mizuguchi also confirms that Rez Infinite will be fully playable on the PlayStation 4 in non-VR as well as a PlayStation VR mode. The non-VR mode will run at 60 FPS while the PSVR mode will take advantage of Sony’s reprojection rendering for 120Hz rendering.

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