Watch 20 Minutes of ‘Asgard’s Wrath’ Gameplay


Sanzaru Games and Oculus Studios showed off a new demo for their upcoming melee adventure Asgard’s Wrath at this year’s E3. We got a chance to not only jump in to see more of the game’s questing, but also get a feel for the scope of the world ahead.

I had around 20 minutes in the new demo—only just enough to sample other important components of the game besides rote combat, which I saw a fair bit of in my first hands-on at GDC in March.

This time around I got to create chimeric buddies from the world’s beasts, solve light puzzles while dungeoning, and accumulate loot for crafting along the way. What most impressed me about the game though was its visual fidelity and rich environments, something I hope to explore more during the game’s purported 30+ hour duration.

If you’re short on viewing time, check out my article ‘Asgard’s Wrath Shows Titanic Ambition & Visual Finesse’ for the play-by-play and my impressions of the E3 demo.

Asgard’s Wrath is slated to arrive exclusively on Rift sometime in 2019.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • That’s for sure an amazing game

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  • Jarilo

    Looks freaking awesome.

  • ZenInsight

    This looks way better than I expected. Impressive. I hope it uses the Valve Index controller finger control.

    • Jarilo

      I think it’s an Oculus exclusive so no.

  • Ace of Spades

    Just got my first PCVR HMD, is there a list of best PCVR games and I mean best in quality-wise, most AAA RPG, Horror, FPS, Adventure etc.

    Games like bitsaber and that IMO dumb stop motion shooter dont interest me, I want proper games.
    Any web sites that have list?

  • The Bard

    40 usd. exxxpensive

    • Jeremy Kins

      Please go away. Everyone has been complaining about the lack of lengthy games and here comes a 30 hour huge adventure, still under the price of normal AAA games, and you think it’s too expensive?

      • The Bard

        The game looks silly and boring, something like Skyrim VR clone ( Skyrim was boring as fck too)