8 Wild Oculus ‘Medium’ Creations from Connect

Oculus Medium, the company’s new 3D VR sculpting app revealed at this year’s Connect, allows anyone to create clay-like works of art from the very simple to the frighteningly realistic with a few swipes of Oculus Touch hand controllers.

But don’t take our word for it, because Medium’s twitter handle has been buzzing with some intensely cool creations to come out of the first demos with the program.

Keep in mind that attendees only had about 5 minutes to learn the controls and another 10 minutes to get to work making their art—some of which is clearly above the level of what I would call ‘beautifully slapdash’.

See Also: Oculus Unveils ‘Medium’, a Creator’s Tool that Lets You Sculpt in VR Using Oculus Touch

We sifted out 8 of the most interesting works from the demos that show just how intuitive Oculus Touch controls really are at creating something surprisingly solid and frankly a bit scary too.

(these aren’t official names, just something I came up with)

8. Sleepy Minion

7. Lego Dude

6. Homer Simpson

5. Trogdor ‘the Burninator’

4. Techno-colored Jamie Hyneman (by Tested‘s Will Smith)

3. Robot Mind-Meld

2. Pockmarked Goblin

1. Pan of Arcadia

Road to VR‘s own Ben Lang had a chance to demo Medium, so our full hands-on article is coming as soon as the poor guy gets a meal in him from all of the announcements to stream out of this year’s Connect, including Minecraft for the Oculus Rift and a $99 Gear VR coming in November.

See Also: 6 Game Industry Artists Let Loose in HTC Vive ‘Tilt Brush’ Competition

What’s your favorite creation from Oculus Connect’s Medium demo? Let us know in the comment section below!

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