‘A Township Tale’ Gets Quest vs. PC Graphics Comparison


A Township Tale is soon to launch on Quest and developer Alta has now offered up a graphical comparison to show how things differ between the Quest and PC versions of the game.

A Township Tale’s stylized art direction might make it look like it wouldn’t be too demanding to run on Quest, but the game’s large open world exists as a nearly seamless space, with sightlines that sometimes allow players to see across vast distances—not to mention tons of physics-based objects, interactions, all happening with up to eight simultaneous players.

Even though the game was built for PC well before the original Quest was even announced, developer Alta has managed to get A Township Tale’s open world running on the low-powered device. It’s definitely a downgrade from PC, but the studio clearly took care to bring the essence of the game to Quest without simply crushing the resolution.

A common technique used to get games to run on lower-end hardware is to employ a dense fog wall around the player in an effort to drastically cut down how much of the game world must be drawn at any given time.

As A Township Tale game director Boramy Unn explains, this wasn’t an option for the game, because the studio wanted to preserve distant landmarks in the world which help players navigate. While the distant landscape is significantly cut down in its level of detail, the core function of guiding players remains intact. Fortunately nearby buildings and objects render in solid quality, as we saw in our recent preview of the Quest version of A Township Tale.

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Boramy also notes that shadows and transparency had to be removed from the Quest version because they were too expensive to run on the headset’s low-powered processor while still reaching the goal of achieving a “perfect framerate” on the headset. For the game’s crucial torches, the studio says they’ve “done some wizardy to give the impression of lights on a shader-wider level.”

Going forward, the studio says it plans to focus on improving the game’s graphical presentation.

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Priced at $10, A Township Tale launches on Quest July 15th, or on July 13th for those that pre-ordered the game. On PC the game is already available and free-to-play.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Ryan

    Is it cross-play between Quest and PCVR?

    • benz145

      At launch it won’t be. The studio says it expects to bring ‘one-way cross play’ (PC players can join Quest servers) in the future. They said it would be this way because the PC version supports things that Quest can’t like mods and more players.

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  • Foreign Devil

    Both versions are not very impressive graphically. It was clearly designed for mobile power. . .not desktop.

    • R3ST4RT

      That could be the case… Or it could be that they don’t have an artist on staff that can produce models and textures that meet the high detail requirements of a triple A or double A title that we as gamers are used to. Consider that this is an indy studio with a limited budget and a limited skill set.

      The textures and models used in the video are going to be faster, easier, and cheaper to produce. And when you are making and RPG style game with deep levels of crafting, there are going to be A LOT of models and textures to create.

      I don’t believe that the Township Tale devs were focusing on mobile as the sole reason they went with this art style or level of detail. I mean, they made the PC game first and the quest version second. This should be indication alone that it was designed based on their skill set /art style rather than choice of platform.

      • FyreKZ

        The studio does have perfectly talented people on board, they were just never going for a realistic style, instead cartoony.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Bullshit, it also could just be an artistic choice. Maybe you want ultra realistic graphics, personally I don’t.

    • benz145

      The game was built well before the Quest was announced. It’s a more complex game that it appears, given the large open-world format, physics-based interactions, and (on PC) 8+ simultaneous players. Makes smart sense for an indie studio of their size not to try to push the envelope on graphics. I think the game looks pretty darn good on PC with their art style, it’s sharp, has good lighting, and has consistent style.

      • gothicvillas

        Can we please just have a DayZ in vr

  • Andrew Jakobs

    Well, PCVR ofcourse completely depends on what type of hardware you have.. You could still have a low level GPU and it will probably look more like the Quest version..

    • Hokhmah

      Nope, cause there are no graphic settings in the PCVR version and even when, you will always have some sort of transparency and shadows on PC, but never on the Quest version.

  • guest

    It takes enormous skill to port a game of that complexity to mobile. All they got to do now is fix that sputtering torch…

  • Rupert Jung

    I think they did a very good overall job on this but just scraping all the shadows (!) in the open world looks horrible, sorry. Wouldn’t static lightmaps or something be a valid workaround?

    • Lhorkan

      Not really. First of all, they clearly have a dynamic day/night system, so static lighting is not an option. But secondly, baked lightmaps are just large textures, but the Quest does not have the GPU memory available to handle that for an environment this size.

      How many Quest games are there with real time shadows?