At Connect today Meta unveiled Quest Pro, its high-end VR headset which includes AR capabilities thanks to full-color passthrough. Before you plonk down $1,500 on the kit and caboodle though, you might actually be able to try it before you buy.

Starting October 14th, you’ll be able to mess around in Quest Pro at the company’s physical Meta Store in Burlingame, California.

It’s also confirmed to be in-store at select locations across three countries: the US, UK, and France. You’ll find it in Best Buy in the US, Currys in the UK, and FNAC and Boulanger in France.

Image courtesy Meta

You can learn more about where to find a product demo for Quest Pro and other Meta devices here.

Key Quest Pro Coverage:

Quest Pro Revealed – Full Specs, Price, & Release Date

Quest Pro Hands-on – The Dawn of the Mixed Reality Headset Era

Quest Pro Technical Analysis – What’s Promising & What’s Not

Touch Pro Controllers Revealed – Also Compatible with Quest 2

If you’re in the Los Angeles are from October 18th – 20th, you’ll also be able to try out Quest Pro at Adobe Max, Adobe’s annual creativity conference.

To learn more about Quest Pro, including specs and a full rundown on what Meta’s latest and greatest brings to the table, click here.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Powers Liam

    The Field Of View is PATHETIC!

    The display resolution is from years ago.

    The device has over 127 ways to spy on you.

    It is so over-priced, in a recession, that most readers just laughed at it.

    It STILL looks like you are looking through a cardboard
    tube and gives zero sense of “reality” nor any “suspension of

    You have to log in to Mark Zuckerberg’s domestic spying servers to use it.

    The BIG APPS announced for it look like they were programmed by some beginner Pakistani coder!

    Zuckerberg is still in the 1970’s with his VR ideas!


    • ViRGiN

      That sounds like someone is extremely butthurt about state of PCVR and lack of engagment of anything VR from Valve, and decided to just crap the shit out on the only company really doing anything.
      Cool story bro.

      • Mradr

        Hes not totally wrong here though. This headset has a short life a head of it of 1 year… Quest 3 isnt looking much better either more of just an upgrade to what Quest 2 was… This Pro model doesnt even really have a market goal… sure they say business, but short life time before another one is release, the features are limited to pro lines and thus game and software devs are not really going to make full use of it knowing there isnt a future headset for it coming with said features. We already know Quest 3 doesnt have these features currently and with 3 year release cycle – that puts it another 4 years before those features might see a customer headset at all.

        • ViRGiN

          Dude plase. Quest 2 was seen as unwarranted update. And then everyne got one, even Q1 owners.

          VR headsets from meta are with the longest lifespan and real support ever to date.

          Valve never really released an update for index. HP never updated G2 firmware.

        • Anfronie

          You have some sound remarks. The original poster is raving mad and 100% sounds butthurt though.

  • Jeff is beck#wlm

    Foh 1500 lick my sack too mark