
They have each individually done their part to fill your ears, minds, and souls with VR conversations and to help keep the enthusiasm for VR going. Now, at the 2014 SVVR Conference & Expo, Cris Miranda, Matt Carrell, Brian Bullard, and Reverend Kyle join up to give you the first ever UBERCAST! Oh, did I mention Palmer Luckey joined us too?

Before we started, I saw Palmer sitting at a table trying to catch a minute of rest. When you are the founder of Oculus and you are at a VR Expo, it can be difficult to take a few steps before someone wants to talk to you. I simply mentioned to him that we were about to record a podcast in one of the press rooms, and if he was looking for a place to hide for a bit, he was more than welcome to join us. A few minutes into the recording, he wandered in.


It is an extensive conversation.  It didn’t feel like an interview, it felt like a group of VR enthusiasts just having a good time together.

Thanks to Palmer, and the VR Podcasters, for making this happen.  We will have to try really hard to beat this next year.

For Cris Miranda’s Podcast, EnterVR:


For Matt Carrell and Brian Bullard’s Podcast, PodVR:



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  • Martin Huber

    I really enjoyed this one! Finally kyle got his white wale and we got some good conversation! :)