samsung galaxy note 4 update gear vr release dateThose hoping to snag Samsung’s soon-to-be-released mobile Gear VR headset this holiday season will also need to get their hands on the phone that powers it—the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. If you haven’t yet pulled the trigger, the Note 4 can now be purchased from all major U.S. carriers for $199.

See Also: Samsung Gear VR Footage Emerges: Oculus Home, Apps, and Games Shown

Update (12/7/2014): It looks like the $199 price was limited-time, the phone has returned to $299 on all carriers… at least for now.

Original article continues below.

No matter if you’re on Verizon, AT&T, or Sprint—America’s three largest carriers—you can now pick up Samsung’s Galaxy Note 4 for $199 from Amazon, so long as you’re upgrading or starting a new contract.

Verizon users not due for an upgrade but still pining for the Note 4 for Gear VR are in luck; at $699 their carrier has the best Note 4 non-upgrade price of the three. Those on AT&T and Sprint without upgrades will have to pay a bit more—$799 and $720 respectively. You find those deals through the same links above, just be sure to select ‘Without a Service Plan’ for the appropriate carrier.

samsung gear vr note 4 black friday sale priceGear VR, Samsung’s first mobile VR headset, relies on the Note 4’s high resolution 2560 x 1440 display and powerful 2.7 GHz quad-core processor to deliver an impressive virtual reality experience directly from the phone. The Note 4 snaps into the Gear VR which has its own lenses, buttons, touchpad, and focal adjustment, along with a high performance inertial sensor to enable headtracking.

Meta Explains Why It Sees Wide Field-of-View Headsets as a 'bad tradeoff'

See Also: 13 Samsung Gear VR Titles Shown at SDC 2014

Gear VR was announced by Samsung back at the beginning of September, and the company says that it will launch in the U.S. in early December for $199.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • aamsergie

    This doesn’t appear current for ATT.

    Their website still says $299 and the link you posted for Amazon has unlocked phones for $799.

    Do you have any updated links or information?

    • Ben Lang

      I’m still seeing $199 for AT&T (with an upgrade). Use this link and select ‘Individual Plan’ or ‘Family Plan’, then choose ‘I have a AT&T account and want to upgrade my current device to this one’ and you should see the $199 price.

  • aamsergie

    I think it worked! I ordered it today. Thanks.

    I have never used Amazon before to upgrade my ATT account. I hope my account plan did not change. I did not use any of the ATT Next program.

    Anyhow – thanks for the great tip. Excited to try out this phone.


  • user4name

    Sprint Note 4 is still $299 at the link in your article.