Image source: Pocket Lint

LG has today revealed at MWC 2016 two of their first entries in the virtual reality space, a 360 camera dubbed 360 CAM, and lightweight mobile VR headset called LG 360 VR.

Much like the Ricoh Theta, the new LG 360 CAM is a dual lens setup, featuring 13MP sensors, USB-C port, a tripod mount and a microSD slot for direct recording. LG has optimized the platform to directly publish to Google Streetview and YouTube 360 video.


The LG 360 VR is a mobile VR headset driven by the new LG G5 phone. A result of a partnership with Qualcomm, the phone sports a Snapdragon 820 processor targeted for VR rendering. Weighing in at only 118 grams with dedicated displays for each eye, the headset is foldable and what the company is touting as truly portable.

LG 360 VR connects via G5’s USB-C port, and like Samsung Gear VR, it only connects to proprietary handsets.

According to LG, the headset is reportedly 20% sharper image than conventional headsets (which weren’t named). Pocket Lint is reporting that the LG 360 VR has two 1.8-inch IPS displays inside with a resolution of 960 x 720 pixels, resulting in 639ppi.

No word yet on release date or pricing, but you can say that with their new commitment to VR definitely makes LG worth following in the next few days. We’ll have a full hands on piece coming later this week.

This story is breaking. Check back for more in-depth coverage on the new LG 360 CAM and LG 360 VR.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • From the lack of straps to secure the headset and the picture of the guy using it in a reclined position, I think this is just a simple HMD. No serious head tracking, not for VR, but more for watching movies.

    Maybe somebody in charge at LG confused VR headsets with those old private movie viewers?

    • kalqlate

      Note that they are co-marketing it with a 360 camera. Also note that the headset it lightweight–no straps required. The handles appear to pinch tight to the sides and back of the head.

    • Albert Park

      The headset has 3DOF head tracking, just like the GearVR. Because they are much smaller than current headsets, they fit into your jacket pocket or you can slip them into your purse. The form factor is also great for slipping on and off, like a pair of sunglasses, and doesn’t give you VR hair. This makes them great for carrying around and sharing short 360 videos or photos with family and friends. I’d imagine they would also be great for developers and content creators who are creating Cardboard or other VR content, who constantly need to go back and forth between monitor and HMD during the development testing, though I wouldn’t recommend using them for content with a lot of fast head movement, or for longer periods of time as of yet. For full disclosure, I currently work for LG.

  • Andrew Jakobs

    didn’t LG already have some videoglasses in the past? it looks a lot like those, just like the vuzix glasses..

  • Mehedi Hasan

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