It seems that Oculus are acknowledging the troublesome Rift launch and associated delivery delays by covering shipping costs for affected customers. According to emails sent out by Oculus to customers still waiting for the consumer Rift VR headsets, the delays are due to “Component Shortages”.

See Also: Oculus Rift Review: Prologue to a New Reality
See Also: Oculus Rift Review: Prologue to a New Reality

The Oculus Rift has not enjoyed the best of launches since it’s much anticipated ‘launch day’ on March 28. Pre-orders shipments have been slow to arrive with promises to delivery many Rifts before the close of last week seemingly not met for many.

Now it seems Oculus are acknowledging the issues and have sent email updates for those who are still awaiting shipping notices that delays to Rift deliveries are due to an “unexpected component shortage” and that the company will be “covering” shipping costs “through today” as compensation for the unexpected delays.


This is a significant amount of money for many, especially those in international territories where calculated shipping costs reached well over $100. Brendan Iribe, CEO of Oculus confirmed the action earlier today via Twitter.

It’s not clear if the claim of component shortages refers to manufacturing and fabrication issues at the supplying factories or other elements elsewhere. We’ve reached out to Oculus for comment.

Oculus Rift deliveries are however still continuing with the company appearing to state that consignments are going out “daily”.

Are you still waiting for updates on your Oculus Rift order? Have you received a similar email to the one above? Let us know your shipping woes below in the comments section.

Newsletter graphic

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Based in the UK, Paul has been immersed in interactive entertainment for the best part of 27 years and has followed advances in gaming with a passionate fervour. His obsession with graphical fidelity over the years has had him branded a ‘graphics whore’ (which he views as the highest compliment) more than once and he holds a particular candle for the dream of the ultimate immersive gaming experience. Having followed and been disappointed by the original VR explosion of the 90s, he then founded to follow the new and exciting prospect of the rebirth of VR in products like the Oculus Rift. Paul joined forces with Ben to help build the new Road to VR in preparation for what he sees as VR’s coming of age over the next few years.
  • Mwave

    yes just received the email, sad for the delay happy about $132 reduced shipping cost

  • JoshuaW42

    The email says they are covering shipping through today, not through April 12th

  • Jean Thompson

    Wow. My Vive will arrive before my Rift!!! Can’t WAIT to try room scale. So…. I didn’t get that email or the 1-3week one yet. I placed my order at :07 after and it said March…. Prob won’t get the rift till May now??????

  • Raphael

    I don’t understand how you can have component shortages when the devices should have been fully assembled and boxed for shipping some time ago. That 2 billion dollars should prevent problems like this. Of course it doesn’t help that the email message is deliberately vague. “component shortages” reads like an excuse unless you take the trouble to go into some detail for customers….

    • George Vieira IV

      You were PRE ordering.

      • Raphael

        And now I’m Vive PRE ordering.

        • George Vieira IV


  • FT

    Good excuse Oculus! Im guessing rank in the pre-order stack is meaningless now? As long as kickstarters get one right? Who cares about some people that paid north of $2,000.00 to get ready for VR. COME ON!!!!!

    • You mean the Kickstarters that enabled the product to exist and have likely spent way more than that over the past 4 years?

      • G-man

        yeah, thats right, those ones who paid for a dk and got it years ago, those people, who helped oculus reach a point where faceb ook could buy them for 2 billion dollars. yeah those people

  • David Glenn

    Same here! Just about the same notice with an update expected on April 12th. My bet is that it (since I was promised a late April Delivery) that it may be delayed till June or July! Maybe I can order my Oculus Touch before then!

    Anyway, I’m taking in stride, given that it gives me more study time to work with my Vive Pre that Gabe Newell Gave to me! (see pic) Thanks Gabe for the Vive! I love it man! Expect a Cool Research Paper From D Glenn Soon! ;)

  • Steve Sanders

    Got email last night rift has shipped should be here Monday.

  • GOD

    rekt. Idiots will wait cuz they didn’t make the educated choice.

    • yag

      Lol some Vive buyers don’t even know when they will get their headset.
      Who is the idiot know ?

      • GOD

        dk i got mine on the 7th. epic fun. by the way, i played some oculus titles that have been reported to cause motion sickness on the vive…confirmed.. i feel sorry for oculus people. shit is torture

        • Albert Walzer

          only for people without VR legs.

  • ou812

    BFD,,,$30.. doesn’t bode well for my confidence in the company…already started with a fail. It’ll be up to developers to save these dudes. This is going to last awhile…may just buy my games from Steam