Star Trek: Bridge Crew, Ubisoft’s upcoming collaborative space adventure, sadly won’t be here for the November 29th launch date as promised, so if you wanted to give that special someone a Trek-themed Christmas present, you may need to rethink your options. The game is now slated to release on March 14th, 2017.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew puts you on the bridge of a U.S.S. Aegis (NX-1787), a newly created star ship built on the aesthetic of J.J. Abrams directed franchise reboot, and lets you team up with a crew of friends, strangers, or bots to go on missions throughout the Alpha quadrant. Giving you choice of Captain, Helm, Tactical or Engineering, collaboration is the key to any successful mission in Bridge Crew—something we found out in our hands-on with the demo.

Ubisoft recently released Eagle Flight exclusively on Oculus Rift from their Montreal studio, with Werewolves Within and Star Trek: Bridge Crew to follow from their North Carolina-based subsidiary Red Storm Entertainment.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew is slated for a simultaneous release on Rift, Vive and PSVR.

Ubisoft hasn’t cited any specifics surrounding the delay outside of a general statement on their blog:

In order to deliver the best game experience possible at launch, we have decided to push the release of Star Trek: Bridge Crew to March 14, 2017.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Ghosty

    Better late than never as this isn’t exactly breaking news… Hurts a bit more seeing this again a few days after most other VR news sights! Like ripping a Bandaid off a fresh wound unnecessarily! Lol

    • ummm…

      what other sites?

      • Ghosty

        VRscout,, VR Focus

  • ummm…

    um, whats up with these guys waiting until the last minute? did they not storyboard this thing? was there a colossal error in judgement? did somebody drop coffee on all their keyboards? are they making the game beefier?


    • David Herrington

      My guess is multi-platform support is the issue, but I have nothing to back up that statement.