Superhot VR is one of our favorite Oculus Touch launch titles. Like many of the best VR games so far, the thing we craved the most was more. A new update will extend the replayability of the game with several new modes that amp up the challenge.

In Superhot VR, time only moves when you do. Which means if a bullet is flying at your face and you freeze in place, it will freeze to. That gives you some time to think your way out of the situation—which probably means narrowly dodging the bullet and then making a well-aimed knife throw at the enemy, before pausing again to assess viable solutions to the next most pressing threat. It’s a novel mechanic that uniquely thrives in VR. We gave Superhot VR a 9.1 out of 10 in our full review.

Now the developers have announced the ‘Forever update’, coming next month, which will extend the replayability of the game with new challenge modes, and some undisclosed “Secrets” for players to explore:

  • Test your aim where only headshots take out enemies
  • Race against your best score in bullet time and real-world time
  • Try to complete the game without shooting
  • Get hardcore with faster enemies and less reaction time

There’s also the 10-minute challenge, which tasks players with completing the entire game in 10 minutes (we mentioned we craved more content from this game, right?).

As this information comes from an entry on the official Oculus Blog, it seems Oculus may be working more closely with the developers to expand the game’s offering. According the post, the above is “just a taste of what the update has in store,” and further implies that there will be more updates to come.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Damn, at first glance I was hoping this was going to be the Vive update.

    • Shlee

      Title would of read “‘SUPERHOT VR’ Targets Larger Audience, Available now on Steam and SteamVR!”

    • George Hess

      can’t you just play it on Revive.

      These guys got it to work.

      • Full Name

        If Oculus could sell it with built in Vive support, sure. But they don’t so won’t rely on a third party solution that may or may not work, and even if it does, could break tomorrow.

      • This is the question I’ve been asking myself. I certainly could, but they’ve already announced that it’ll eventually be released with native Vive support, and I’d rather buy it from Steam than the Oculus store.

        • Ailuropoda melanoleuca Nineone

          Yep it works great you’d think it was made for it

  • Get Schwifty!

    This is good to hear… this is the only game that actually made me sweat ;)

    • Ailuropoda melanoleuca Nineone

      audio shield. hollow point you may want to try these way better then superhot for exercise also hot squats

      • Caleb

        AudioShield is meh as far as sweating goes, but Holopoint will have you drenched after only 5 or so rounds.

        • Ailuropoda melanoleuca Nineone

          your just not playing audio shield right make shure you play on elite and go for a face paced song

        • Ailuropoda melanoleuca Nineone

          audio shield is fine you just need to use not slow music and play on elite or classic hard

  • ummm…

    OOOOO <~~~~ thats a poop. im a vive owner and i just wanted to leave my 2 cents.

    • Ailuropoda melanoleuca Nineone

      Revive works amazingly

      • ummm…

        ive installed in some months back, never used it tho. not sure i want to risk my cash on oculus home – plus id feel dirty paying facebook. Their tact turns me off – i understand what they are doing, but it is still a turn off. I dont game because i want to except some peoples realities of business development, I game because i enjoy the art. The cloud of unashamed capitalism kills the art for me, in a sense.

  • Shlee

    Ctrl+F “Steam” :(

    • Ailuropoda melanoleuca Nineone

      use revive

      • Shlee

        Its not that i don’t own a rift, I just know that ‘one day’ its going to be on Steam with SteamVR. So i’m not going to buy it on the Oculus store to use a 3rd party program that works for now, when i buy my next HMD i assume Steam will support it and that i can still play my VR games. Oculus Store games don’t feel tangible because of its exclusivity, one lets you play ‘today on that’ the other ‘forever on whatever’.

        • Adrian Meredith

          That’s exactly how I feel, I have a rift but only want to buy it on Steam. It’s rediculous that you can buy it already on Steam without vr. Just do it already

        • burzum

          Same here, I’m sick of the Oculus walled garden. I doubt the next Vive is going to be less good than the next Oculus, but even if so, I probably buy it because it supports steam and they already fulfilled their promise to open their tracking API. Screw you Facebook. I don’t want your walled garden!

  • Tom

    I loved this game but felt it was too short and limiting. This will help with some of that but I do hope they will find a way to add locomotion to the game even if it is teleporting to make it more like the desktop version which looks way more entertaining.

  • Net Shaman

    We need a proper displacement system like in onward .
    The original game is still the best, because of the freedom of movement we have in it.