Windlands (2016) is a first-person exploration game from Psytech Games, and as one of the first truly great titles to come to all major VR headsets, the temporary $5 price tag on Steam—down from its normal $20—is an absolute steal for what it offers.

After generating over $20k in a successful Indiegogo campaign in fall of 2014 and subsequently being Greenlit on Steam, Windlands is out of early access and available on every major headset including Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, OSVR and PSVR.

The Steam version however is only compatible with HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and OSVR, and can be played with motion controllers or gamepad. The Oculus Store version, which only offers support for Rift, is still advertising the full $20 price tag.

You can’t help but marvel at the grandiosity of the environment Windlands creates. Offering a calming, zen-like atmosphere with increasingly difficult terrain, you’ll easily lose a few hours to trying to figure out just how to get that last Easter egg before you move on to the next level.

‘Windlands’ on Steam

The main means of locomotion: your trusty grappling hook that lets you soar through the ruins of a fallen civilization and discover the secrets of the ancient world. The game also works on traditional monitors (but we’re not sure why you’d ever want to).

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • ShiftyInc

    Great that your posting about sales, but one would have thought news like HTC might be selling off their VR stuff is more important news for VR users.

    • NooYawker

      The real story is Lucky Palmer on reddit asking if he should buy it.

      • ShiftyInc

        He is rich, but won’t be able to buy it. Plus i am sure Valve will get first dips on it anyway.

        • Tyler Soward

          I doubt Valve really even wants it – they’re making their money by licensing their tech and software sales. Same strategy Microsoft is employing with the Windows HMDs

  • Martin Antholzner

    Also you can get the game on steam and grab a free oculus key afterwards because the devs are nice enough to provide free keys to steam owners:

  • Michael Copenharve

    Seems like motion sickness would be a big issue with this game.