Sony Offers More ‘London Heist’-style Cockney Carnage in ‘Blood & Truth’, Teaser Trailer Here


Paris Games Week hasn’t officially started yet, but Sony’s pre-PGW keynote saw a number of announcements including Sony London Studio’s spiritual continuation of the highly popular (and all too short) The London Heist, a demo in the VR Worlds demo disc that came along with many PSVR headsets.

Called Blood & Truth, not much is known about the game besides what we’ve seen in the trailer. Like The London Heist, it looks to be heavy on the gunplay, a bit lighter on elements like lock-picking, setting time bombs, and engaging in quick narrative elements like smack talking a sleazy club owner—all of course with the Guy Ritchie-style Cockney swagger that fans have craved ever since playing The London Heist the first time around.

According to the developers, the game will be far beyond the length of a demo. In the game, you can move, dual-wield, reload, plant C4, crawl through vents, and do almost anything you would in an action movie, says Design Director Iain Wright.

Sequel to Quest's Most Popular VR Boxing Game Teases Release in New Trailer

There’s only one location for now, although Director Stuart Whyte say there’s “a load more levels to showcase the glamour and grit of modern day London. We’re just scratching the surface of what we’ve got and what we’re working on behind the scenes, and there’s definitely more to come in the future.”

There’s still no release date yet, but we’ll be following Blood & Truth closely in the coming months to see if it truly holds up to the promise of The London Heist, or becomes a glorified shooting gallery like so many others.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • gothicvillas

    is this Sony exclusive or PC version might be in the pipeline?

    • It wasn’t said specifically, but you can bet Sony isn’t actively developing games for other VR headsets so they can continue to build out their list of attractive exclusives. We will, of course, keep our eyes open in the event this changes.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      As it’s a game made by Sony London Studio’s, this is not coming to the PC.

  • PJ

    Sony are smashing it with the VR titles for next year. I might even pick up a PS4 and PSVR if I can’t travk one down cheap enough down the line

  • Andrew Jakobs

    That looks excellent if it really looks like that in realtime on a regular PS4.