New ‘Ready Player One’ Trailer Debuts as Release Buzz Builds


Ready Player One, the 2011 novel by Ernest Cline, is getting turned into a movie by none other than Steven Spielberg, who is directing the film. As the movie’s March 2018 release date approaches, a new trailer, ‘Dreamer’ debuted this week.

Ready Player One follows the story of Wade Watts, an orphan whose life is centered around a virtual reality metaverse called Oasis. As it turns out, the creator of the Oasis has hidden a key which controls the entire metaverse, leading to a mad dash among users to find the key and assume control.

The latest trailer overviews the central conflict in the movie (as trailers these days always seem to do), and briefly explores the Oasis.

Ready Player One: Dreamer

Set to debut widely on March 29th, Ready Player One has already seen preview screenings, and seems to be faring reasonably well with critics thus far, with Rotten Tomatoes reporting an aggregate score of 79% ‘Fresh’ among critics at the time of writing.

Image courtesy Warner Bros Pictures

Author Ernest Cline previously confirmed that a sequel to the Ready Player One novel is in the works.

Every Ready Player One Trailer Released So Far

Ready Player One: Come With Me – February 15th, 2018

Ready Player One: Odyssey – January 26, 2018

Ready Player One: Change the World – January 26, 2018

Ready Player One: See the Future – January 21, 2018

Ready Player One: Official Trailer 1 – December 10, 2017

Ready Player One: SDCC Teaser – July 22nd, 2017

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Lucio Lima

    Very nice!

  • Jean-Sebastien Perron

    My VR experiences are actually better than what they are showing in this movie.

    • Wednaud Ronelus

      Totally agree!!!!! We are way head of the curve.

      • Lucio Lima

        Are they trying to fool who ??? LOL
        I also have the Rift and my experiences have been very mediocre!

        • Nosfar

          Get “Here they lie” surreal

      • beestee

        VRChat…nothing more to say.

    • dk

      and u can do all of your vr experiences ….in the Oasis …..and it’s headsets and tech from 2044

  • Antmeister

    I found an issue with this trailer. About the 1:37 mark. They are running through the real world, and then it cuts to them in the virtual world. This is some BS. Any sideways movement will have you running into a building or a lamppost. And then the other people you may run into. A slight turn to the left to go around something in the virtual world, would lead you onto the street and getting collected by some vehicle.

    • Loretta

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    • Michael Lupton

      Yeah that seemed a bit ridiculous to me as well. Normally if a person would want to actually walk to move in the book they would use what was essentially a 360 degree treadmill.

    • dk

      they can’t afford a treadmill and had shitty cheap headsets ….and it could show u walls and stuff if it has cameras …..also it was in the last trailer too

  • Fredrik Pettersen

    The cheese factor went through the roof with this one. Ask yourself are you willing to fight? I’m talking about actual life and death stuff. Give me a break.

    • Michael Hildebrand

      Agree, cliche factor so high honestly makes me think I won’t be seeing this one.

      • dk

        get the audio book …..this trailer was pretty good compared to some of the others

    • Michael Lupton

      In the book, let’s just say a lot of people were dead in a non-virtual way by the time he was giving that speech.

  • Michael Lupton

    I was able to pick a lot of the book out of that. As someone who actually enjoyed the book I am really looking forward to this movie.

  • Courtney A Jeff

    I just realized this is like Charlie and the chocolate factory.Poor underdog gets opportunity among pompous Freddy tyrants.Praise Jesus who is my Lord and Savior.

  • ra51

    Don’t care what anyone thinks. I’m totally gonna see that movie.

  • Cool trailer