2K and Gearbox Software, the studios behind the Borderlands franchise, are bringing the critically acclaimed Borderlands 2 to PSVR this December.

Announced today on the PlayStation blog, PSVR users are getting a special treat before Christmas that will let you play the full game in VR. The game is slated to launch December 14th.

The VR implementation was developed in-house by Gearbox Software, the developers behind the franchise.

According to series publisher 2K, Borderlands 2 VR “brings the iconic shooting-looting world of Pandora to life like never before, as you virtually become a treasure-seeking Vault Hunter facing off against the galaxy’s most charming psychopathic dictator – Handsome Jack – with nothing but your arsenal of 87 bazillion guns.”

The developers have promised an all new ‘Slow-Mo’ ability, and a teleportation-based movement scheme. The information surrounding the VR implementation is still thin on the ground, so it seems there’s still plenty to learn in the months to come.

Pre-order are now available at PlayStation Store, priced at $50.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • jj

    sony exclusive…just wow. This is such a popular game and its pretty obvious that psvr is the worst tethered experience available so I hate this decision.

    • antonio mora

      You right but PSVR is also the headset that has more units sold. Borderlands seems perfect for VR, sigh.

      • Sandy Wich

        What part about it having more units sold means it should be exclusive to a certain headset? That’s ridiculous, it’s a 3rd party game. It should be on all platforms.

        This is just throwing money at a developer to keep it off other platforms and said developer being greasy enough to do it.

        • Gary

          Let’s not pretend to be an angel, if you ran a business you’d most likely accept a funding deal from a company like MS or Sony too.

          • Sandy Wich

            I do run a business, a successful one and no, I wouldn’t.

            It’s not about being an angel, I’m hardly that. It’s about not being a total sellout.

          • Gary

            Look, thing is you know absolute nothing about the deal between Sony and Gearbox. You’re making assumptions, spreading unnecessary hate and misinformation. If this fund from Sony can assist Gearbox with a future port or BL2 VR to PC as well, what’s the harm?

          • jj

            The harm is the exclusivity when the fanbase is already divided. You guys are saying Sony is pushing the industry when in reality this exclusivity further divids and shrinks numbers which hurts the industry more than it helps

          • Sandy Wich

            You don’t need to know anything that goes on in a company if the end result is payed non inclusion. Jesus christ if this was a gender or skin color and not a user base of technology their business would be doomed overnight. But since it’s not, it’s okay, right? Even though the premise is identical? Of course it’s not. It’s wrong, end of story.

            The harm is it’s paying people to not let others participate. If you can’t see what’s wrong with that, and the FUTURE implications of this kind of, “accepted business strategy”, then I don’t know what to say bud.

        • antonio mora

          RE7 is a third party game too and we will never see it on PC, I agree PSVR is the worst of all 3 major headsets but if I make a game and get an offer for exclusivity on the platform with the bigger user base that would make sense to me.

          You can get mad all you want but sadly that´s the way things are. Now hopefully, hopefully this will be a timed exclusive unlike RE7.

          • Sandy Wich

            Nothing makes sense when you cut out entire consumer markets for a paycheck that’s sole purpose is to remove participation. Especially when those markets are the origin of the technology being displayed.

            You make all self respecting intelligent consumers hate you. You risk being called out and turned into a shit image company overnight like Konami now is.

            It’s poor business sense in all meanings of the word. Just because maybe this one time it pays off, doesn’t mean it will forever. Hence why so many large corporations go bankrupt due to poor leadership.

            “That’s the way things are”, that’s how cowards think. Nothing is the way anything is as long as people stand up and change. Being apologetic to this like you are is a spit in the face for all consumers. Don’t let companies pay your store to not let you walk in the front door because, “It makes sense.”, especially when it really doesn’t.

            And lastly you said, “but PSVR is also the headset that has more units sold.”,which is a retort, which was being apologetic to something that is wrong. Hence the reply.

          • antonio mora

            jj said PSVR is the worst of the 3 main headsets. I said “you right but is also the one with more units sold”. Am I wrong?

            The way things are: Video games is a business not a democracy. Publishers have money in mind before anything else, wrong but true, and that applies to any business in a captalist world, not just videogames. You are a smart guy, you know all this. I hate this move just as much as you but if you were right about standing up against them by being vocal, we would be playing RE7 in VR right now. The only language they understand is money and sadly there are not enough VR users for they to care.

        • Zachary Scott Dickerson

          It’s possible the game would have never came to VR, but possibly SONY gave them money to develop it with an exlusive license deal. So, thems the breaks. If we are lucky, it’s only timed, and a portion of every sale thereafter goes back to SONY. win win

    • Torben Bojer Christensen

      Timed exclusive, like Skyrim hopefully?

      • kool

        Sony is keeping VR relevant right now. ItllI come to pc eventually, but it takes a million plus userbase and a port of an old aaa IP to get the greenlight for a vr game these days. Also has been pushing the boundaries of quality VR.

        • jj

          Sony is not keeping VR relevant….

          • kool

            You think half of these VR startups would survive if they they didn’t port to the psvr?

          • jj

            Easy answer; yes.

            Advanced answer; No,because no VR startup is making enough to survive atm. The only ones that are making more then they’re spending is pretty much Hyperbolic Magnetism with Beat Saber, and Survios and ReadyAtDawn with Echo(exclusive to and funded by facebook/Oculus).

          • kool

            Beat saber is getting ported, survios ports and Sony is the only reason ready at dawn still exist. Sony is the main patron of VR you don’t have to like it but it’s true. Facebook doesn’t even have the clout that Sony does after putting out 3 headsets! If your game isn’t being ported to the psvr it won’t make it. FB being the exception not the example.

          • jj

            Getting ported is a whole world apart from flbeing funded by sony….
            If you really want to get down to the details, as much as I don’t like the truth, Facebook is clearly the main patron of VR.
            Sony has only done enough to stay in the race, but they are very far from leading it.
            The fact the you said if you don’t port to psvr it won’t make it, tell us all just how uneducated you are in the matter. There’s no point in me explaining these very obvious favts to someone who clearly doesn’t do their research.

          • kool

            Sony is leading the race in vr. Fb may be pumping more money into it, but Sony is putting units in homes. Im not saying it’s impossible to make it without Sony but, it’d be bad business to ignore the biggest user base when looking to push your IP. And devs have stated this as a strategy before. As we both know most vr games have trouble finding a base right now and psvr users be shoppin!

          • Sandy Wich

            Sony leads a race because they sell the cheapest product to the most accessible user base.

            Let’s just adopt that way of thinking for all things and then live in caves because it’s easier to make a stone hatchet than a bow and arrow.

          • kool

            I didn’t know facts are a way of thinking. Why is it so hard to acknowledge a company putting in the work to keep the industry you love from flopping. If there was no Sony VR would be a fad. No AAA company supports VR and fb has spent billions to become a niche product. And people still use hatchets everyday while bows are a niche hobby.

          • jj

            thats completely wrong…. 100% of the vr technology was made without sony. You’re literally looking at the cheapest product out there and its sales, and making your decision off of that, while ignoring sooooooo many facts and situations that contributed to where vr is now. Sony did not contribute to creating any of the insane tech that vr requires. So all you have is base units sold, and its distorting your assessment of who’s actually contributing

            Steam and Rift were booming well before psvr and with psvr out of the equation they would be unfazed.

          • kool

            Sony was making hmds and selling them years before Palmer luckey. Sony has developed next gen well. The VR market is booming yet, all companies are putting in the footwork to make that happen. Sony has had the most success tho.

          • jj

            Sony was not making and especially didn’t sell hmds before Palmer lucky. Where the f are you getting your facts from?

          • kool

            Check out the Sony hmz t1. Sony pulled their headset from all their old junk they’ve accumulated over the years. The PS4 always had VR in mind before lucky, even the ds4 was designed with VR in mind. So that goes back to 2011 at least.

          • jj

            you did say its impossible to make it without sony in a previous comment….

          • Dark Evry

            What kind of drugs are you on? Sony sold more VR units then all others combined.

          • Sandy Wich

            What he means is all Sony has done is copy then make it cheap and low quality to sell as many units as possible. while to this day, the people who are developing VR has a technology are companies like FB with the Rift and Valve.

            Tracking, controllers, Foveated rendering, room scale, wider FOV, wireless etc etc etc

            All of this is being done by non console VR companies.

            Sony’s only real claim to fame was marketing and selling a cheap product.

          • Sandy Wich

            There are many PCVR games that haven’t been ported to consoles and have been financially successful, you’re really starting to sound like a fanatic.

          • kool

            Name some because if they crossed 100k units we’d hear about it they fact is very few VR games have been successful and even fewer without the help of the psvr deal with it and a fanatic is saying VR would have a chance without it’s biggest base.

          • Sandy Wich


            Have a fun read, btw there’s many more. I like how you just blindly swing and try to shut me down. Nice. Maybe do at least 3 minutes of research next time.

            Nice job setting a random rule for units sold though. Either way you’re simply wrong.

          • kool

            Lol, This was the article I was thinking of! VR is struggling and would be dead without Sony. I don’t care what name is on the headset y’all seem to take issue with Sony being the leader in the industry. And I’m a sociopath because I can count? I am a fanatic for VR I want all headsets to do well, so I acknowledge those doing well not down those I don’t have.

          • jj

            well I have every headset and i still disagree with your fanboy demeanor and perspective. Sony is not the leader of VR, theyre headset is cheaper in every manner so of course they’d sell more, that doesn’t mean theyre driving the industry AT ALL. I actually work in the industry and willl have multiple attractions at CES around VR, psvr is the headset we never ever use, yet we have used every other headest one time or another.

          • Pablo C

            No no no, VR wouldn´t be dead without Sony, because it is the future, with or without Sony. If you don´t see that, you haven´t seen the potential of VR, and may be, that´s because you are using PSVR instead of PCVR, which includes Art and Education.

          • jj

            Even then these are games that are ported to psvr after theyve already been successful. Beat saber coming to psvr doesn’t prove psvrs dominance it only shows its a player in the game, thats it. the fact that these games arent originally made for psvr, should tell you somersetting

          • kool

            Idk I just see it differently. To me it seems that a lot of indie devs test the VR waters on PC and if it works out well enough put it out on psvr to keep revenue coming in. Even if a game does well on PC vr, it hits a ceiling on sales and devs need a continuous revenue stream. The psvr port is a no brainer when that happens. If not than teams end up needing investors (who are going to want a psvr port) or shutting down because they can’t pay their team off diminishing returns.

          • Sky Castle

            You realize there are hundreds of VR startups since Rift/Vive right? Saying half of them being ported is a huge exaggeration.

            But I do agree Sony is keeping VR relevant, and no doubt helps indie devs as well. Just not on a scale you’re suggesting in terms of keeping them alive, not even close.

          • jj

            Ok that’s what I was thinking and was having trouble saying! I don’t doubt all of psvr, but it’s not the sole reason vr is around or popular.

          • Sky Castle

            Wrong. The younger consumer who can’t afford a PC+VR have been able to get into VR for far cheaper with PSVR. Especially when there’s already a heavy PS4 userbase.

            They are also more known to the gamer community and brought mass awareness to VR. They are in fact helping the VR industry grow. That’s very relevant.

          • jj

            Sure they are relevant, but they’re not the main reason vr is relevant… Vr was around and emmerging successfully before psvr and would still be successful if psvr wasn’t here.
            Oculus and Vive are keeping fb relevant and Sony is just riding the wave. This isn’t even a debate, aside from their one headset and funded games Sony has done nothing for me community.

          • Gary

            You may have an argument about relevancy, but to say Sony has done nothing for the community is just plain silly. All of the gaming conventions I have been to this year the PSVR presence has been absolutely huge. Sony’s VR presentation in each of these conventions has been nothing short of epic. You’d be hard pressed to locate the Oculus and Vive booths in any of them.

          • jj

            yeah they also have had issues at countless events from trying to track multiple headsets on one trade floor…. so theres that

          • Sandy Wich

            Yea, it reminds me of those old Tiger electronic handheld games. Lots of the kids who couldn’t afford a console got those instead.

            But seriously… PS4 is more known to the gamer community? Says who? A PS4 marketing ad?

            PC is a billion+ user platform that has been far more known for gaming decades longer than Sony has.

            And what was jj wrong about specifically? Sony isn’t keeping VR relevant. He didn’t say Sony wasn’t a part of the VR industry. Letting yourself think a couple million headset sales is keeping an industry with 10’s of millions of VR users at one level or another relevant is ridiculous.

            If anything is keeping VR relevant it’s the dream of one day seeing VR be like the fantasy which may take entertainment to an entirely new level, or VR porn.

          • Gary

            Come on man… PlayStation is one of the most well known brands in the world alongside Nintendo. Everybody knows you can play games on a PC true, but when you see something like Mario you automatically associate it with a console, an accessible hardware specialised for games and nothing else. Even my grandma who is 104 years old with mild Alzheimer knows Nintendo and PlayStation. They are both once cultural phenomenons which swept across the world by storm. Please go into a gaming retail store in a shopping centre and see the size difference between sections between PC and Consoles. It’s huge.

          • Sandy Wich

            Yes, your point? A mascot in a video game suddenly means what?

            Diablo 3 sold like 13 million units in the first week of release on PC by itself.

            I guess not selling them in stores was a big deal, and nobody knows about PC gaming.

          • jj

            haha when you see something like mario….wrong console bud.

          • Pablo C

            Come on jj, Gary is right. PC gaming is always better in terms of quality, but consoles have kept the market at the pace that it is now. Oculus and Vive are still, at an enthusiastic level, PSVR is daring to go mainstream. I have to admit Sony played very well their cards, I never thought a low graphics system like the PS4 (pro or not) would present a nice VR experience, but it does. So while PC gamers were pumping up our systems to get the best VR experience, Sony thought on something simpler, yet still amazing. Sony understood what we didn´t: That VR main thing is presence and volume, and that graphics are secondary. I´m still pretty happy suppersampling my Rift (it gets so real), but let´s agree that that´s a luxury this early VR days.

          • JohnPA2006

            Ditto, PSVR skyrim bundle lover here, used on PS4 Pro. LOVE IT. way better than a 600$ PC, + 300$ video card, + 250 to 400$ VR headset. PSVR is great and is no suprise that is finally caught on. Now if you excuse me I am going to play DOOM VFR

        • Sandy Wich

          The only thing Sony has done is capitalize on an enthusiast trend, adapt decade old technology to a low quality device then make it work for the lowest common demographic for the cheapest price while trying to force others out the door and claim a market that isn’t even developed yet.

          It’s like saying Ford keeps driving relevant because you can buy one of their entry level cars for under 10 grand.

          • Gary

            It’s not like Sony is completely irrelevant within the head mount industry. They own many headset patents and were the creators of the HMZ series. Sony may have been opportunistic, but full credit goes to them for being able to capitalise on the VR hype by bringing out a successful VR product. People who have tried the easier to access PSVR in turn may want to try Vive or Rift, essentially helping the market grow as a whole.

          • Sandy Wich

            I don’t recall saying Sony was irrelevant, do you?

          • jj

            they have maybe one or two pointless patents while other hmd producers have literally hundreds per headset.

          • kool

            You basically described console gaming. Without consoles half of your library wouldn’t exist. You claim to be the master race but don’t understand where half of your games come from.

          • Sandy Wich

            Described console gaming?.. No. You can’t pick the top 3 cards off the deck of 52 cards and just say, “Look, they’re both the same!”, but that’s just coincidence. By the way, can you link to me where I claimed I was this, “master race”? Idk who you’re debating with but I think you misclicked someone else.

            As for the last part, I don’t even know what you’re trying to say. Hobbys don’t exist because Sony exists, you’re not thinking clearly.

          • Sandy Wich

            Oh, I should tell you I’m now aware you’re a Sony fanatic. When you start pulling things out of the air that never happened, like “Master Race”, that’s when I need to go.

            Idk which enemy of your past you’re really arguing with here but it’s none of my business. Before this downward spirals into you behaving like a typical online sociopath, as I can already see is beginning to happen, I’m going to peace bud. Take care of yourself. >:D

          • kool

            Nobody asked for your opinion you offered it. And it’s hilarious how I have a mental issue because I don’t agree with you. Maybe I am crazy I keep thinking 3 mil is more than .5 mil. Doc can you help me…

          • jj

            wrong. without consoles i’d still have a lot of my list. stop making things up

      • Gary

        Fairly certain this is timed. And honestly if timed exclusivity deals is what it takes for these big developers like Gearbox and Bethesda to convert games like Skyrim and Borderland in VR then so be it.

        • jj

          dude you’re guessing about te timed thing, stop spreading guesses as fact

    • Doctor Bambi

      If Sony enabled them with funding and needed resources, then they just helped Gearbox get significantly closer to a plausible PCVR version later down the line.
      I hope Gearbox can hear the cries though, because this is a fantastic game to make the VR transition and it would play significantly better on PCVR headsets!
      No offense PSVR kids.

      • jj

        yupp hopefully it will come to PC

      • Gary

        Exactly. I honestly don’t understand why most people don’t get this. It’s still pretty financially inconvenient to jump into the VR scene, and if Sony is collaborating with them via funding then it means it would help out with the PC version for GearBox too.

    • kool

      How do you figure it’s the worst sure it could use a bump in resolution and some thumb sticks. But the games are of consistently higher quality and the aim is the best thing to happen to vrfps. I ve yet to encounter any bugs in the software and it takes less than a minute to setup.

      • mellott124

        My thoughts exactly. I have all the major systems. Really like PSVR for simplicity of setup and AIM controller. It just works. Tracking is subpar compared to PC but games like Farpoint deal with it very well.

      • Sky Castle

        Having A Vive, Rift, and PSVR I can say it is easily the worst. While some say it feels the most comfortable I personally think it’s the least comfortable headset to put on and take off. Maybe it’s because I’ve grown use to the other 2 headset having them first.

        It just feels clunky, the power button on the bottom to turn it on is annoying when I’m spoiled by the other 2 headsets that don’t need this unnecessary step.

        Motion controllers are infinitely better in every since of the word with the Vive and Rift. Better tracking, better comfort, better layout, better input buttons, it just outshines the move controllers hands down.

        Much much more available games and imo better too. Robo Recall, Lone Echo, Fallout 4 VR, Skyrim VR far better on PC, a virtual movie theater to watch movies from my PC, easier access to porn vr, I can go on. PSVR have a few exclusives but the only one I’m impress with is Astro Bot. Farpoint is the next best but it’s overhyped to me. It’s a good game but not great.

        It’s just the truth that the PSVR is the worst of the 3 major VR headset.But saying it’s the worst doesn’t mean the PSVR is bad. Out of a Lamborghini, Ferrari, and Bugatti you can say one of them is the worst, take your pick. Does that mean any of them are bad. Hell no.

        • kool

          I agree with you on the motion controls, but it’s way easier to use than the others as far as setup. Also I don’t like the goggles i like being able to to flip up the visor and look around while still being able to see in game. I’d like Robocop recall and echo combat, but I wouldn’t trade them for firewall, re7 and Wipeout… I haven’t tried porn I’ve heard it’s a hassle lol!

          • jj

            this is false now the windwos mixed reality headsets are pretty plug and play and they have flip up visors but you’re pretty much the only one who likes that feature.

          • Pablo C

            I suspect you don´t actually own a Rift or a Vive and that are only justifying to yourself for your PSVR choice. Just go nuts. By the way, it´s called “Robo recall”, the game mentions it every 5 seconds, so I doubt you have actually played it. And, Echo combat is a different game to Lone Echo.

          • kool

            I don’t but I played my buddies occulus a few times before he took it back. It was cool but it had its drawbacks just like the psvr does. The graphics are better but the sde is noticable, the controllers are better than the move but I prefer the aim for fps and I don’t like the goggle design. I don’t have to justify my purchase the price alone does, I wanted it to blow the psvr out the water but it’s just like PC vs console gaming at some point your just paying for more dots. And auto correct is real even though RoboCop Recall sounds like a movie I’d want!

          • Pablo C

            When I choose PC gaming vs console gaming, I pay extra for the extra Immersion. In the case of VR I don´t want to just play the game (as I have been doing for 30 years), I want to be there. For that, you need a PC, since for current proper VR immersion, you need Room scale and Supersampling (I also really doubt the Aim is better than the Touch for FPS, it just doesn´t have the tracking capacity, I think that´s the reason why shootng arrows in PSVR is way subpar from doing so in the Rift).

          • kool

            Idk I don’t even like standing in VR. It feels like your on a hoverboard and crouching hurts my knees I constantly misjudge the real ground from the virtual one. that’s just my opinion tho. I’ve never compared tracking for archery games but Skyrim and Apex construct have awesome bow gameplay. I’d rather have something like the touch for a Skyrim type game, I like having a gun in my hand in fps I love sticking my gun around corners and emptying the clip mercilessly!

          • Pablo C

            I guess we have very different tastes for VR (and that´s great). For me, I even stand in non-standing games. I feel I have way more freedom with the hands and the head, even not considering Room scale. Now, Room scale IMO gives at least more to immersion than graphics. Just the fact that you don´t need the controllers to turn, makes the whole difference. I turn with my feet, like in real life. For me, VR is a standing activity (which is also great phisically).

        • Frédéric Lormois

          What a troll … And REVII, Wipeout VR, FIrewall ? The Optics are BAD in Oculus, very BAD.

          • Sky Castle

            Know what a troll is before making yourself look stupid.

      • Sandy Wich

        The games are higher marketing, not quality. There’s plenty of great PCVR games that not only challenge console vr but completely destroy it. This is the battle of two different mindsets. The cutscene/polish/single player fan VS the replay value/innovation/multiplayer fan. Personally I like to play VR games that have more than 3 hours appeal but that’s just me.

        BTW you missed, “It could also use a decade newer bump in hardware, motion controllers that aren’t tracked by lightbulbs, actual room scale or least the ability to turn around in VR without your controllers losing tracking.

        As for the AIM controller… They made these back in the Atari days. And SNES days. PS3 had one as well for the Move. You can’t substitute being able to finger motion your teammates in a PCVR shooter, cooking grenades with your own fingers or drawing a strategies on the floor before a match begins with a piece of plastic.

        • kool

          I’m want that for psvr but for right now I’ll take what works. And polished bug free games is what psVR is offering. PC has some games I know aren’t possible until I buy the psvr2. But for right now I bought a ps4 for $300,the psvr for $200 and have 20 games that can’t be played any other way that I wouldn’t trade for better tracking, res, or graphics and I Know more are coming that I won’t have to upgrade for.

          • Sandy Wich

            There are plenty of polished PCVR games, probably a lot more than PSVR. And that’s before you enter the modding/homebrew/VorpX scene. You shouldn’t let marketing and fireworks at E3 make you believe somethings better than it’s not.

            And yea, you can’t play several VR games any other way because Sony pays many 3rd party developers specifically to not release games on competing platforms.

            Reminds me of those books I used to read about black people being refused access to events back in the day because racism.

            It’s nice to know you got a good deal on your first VR system though, I’m sure it will be lots of fun. Just try not to let that turn into fanaticism and start pretending, “like lots of Sony fans do”, that better games aren’t ever being released on other platforms.

          • kool

            The VR market would have flopped by now if wasn’t for Sony y’all should be kissing their ass right now because they’re they only success story in VR. Marketing my ass how many units have occulus and Vive put up combined…now triple it and you still barely have a niche product. That’s where VR is right now. Occulus named 4 games having crossed 1 mil now you tell me how a whole industry can survive off of that? Sony does pay for exclusives because these games would flop or just wouldn’t exist otherwise. You act like Sony is paying to keep games off a competing platform…there are none in VR just startups looking to stay above water right now. And this argument reminds me of the civil war. The south depended on the North for everything, but somehow thought they could survive without them. And fuck your lame books if you think whites were refusing blacks tickets, whites were killing blacks and selling tickets to the show in the fucking newspaper like the savages they were…

          • jj

            there you go, you just proved that you know nothing about the industry.

            The vr market would not have flopped if sony wasn’t here. That’s super basic and just shows you’re a sony fanboy who doesn’t know the industry. im done trying to convince you its not worth it if thats what you think

    • Gary

      It maybe so, but this is a collaboration effort so Sony must have assisted with the funding to make it happen so hence the launch timed exclusivity. It should release to other platforms like Skyrim VR in due time. I’m just glad this exists. Looking forward to play it.

      • jj

        You don’t know that you’re just guessing…..

      • Pablo C

        You are talking as if Borderland would be a brand new game from an indie developer. It´s not, you need a fraction of the resources to make a VR adaptation, as compared to a game made from the ground for VR.

  • Tyler Soward

    think they’ll port vr to pc systems as well?

  • HomeAudio

    No. PSVR Exclusive till end of the world!

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Who says? I expect a PC release a few months later (or maybe even on the same day)

      • jj

        Them announcing it for psvr and not announcing it for pcvr is word straight from them, so they say.

        • Andrew Jakobs

          Announcing it for PSVR doesn’t exclude a release later down the line, we’ve seen it with other titles too. The haven’t said there wouldn’t be a PC release ever..

          • jj

            i was referring to you say or even on the same day. they wouldnt announce jsut one if they were gona release multiple

    • Sky Castle

      VR is has too small of a user base to keep it exclusive. I’m sure it’s only timed exclusive.

      • jj

        Yeah you think the exclusivity would come later not first .

        • Gary

          To be fair we honestly don’t know how much money these big companies are contributing to such developers to keep the game exclusive to their platform. They would have hired statisticians to work out whether it is more financially feasible to do so. The smaller the market the harder it is for the developers to make a profit, so there is additional incentive to accept a one off deal from bigger companies.

  • doug

    I’d give them $60 for a PC version today. We’ll see if I’m still interested when it eventually comes to PC. Skyrim got my dough.

  • Master E

    As an Oculus and PSVR owner I must say this exclusivity is BS. I can only hope for this to be timed for VRs sake. Though I see this working well for PSVR and their Aim controller, PSVRs controllers and tracking are a joke compared to HTC and Oculus.

    Regardless, totally excited as I feel PSVR does something’s better if not on par with PC HMDs. SDE is handled well when developer effort is present and I’d rather have dumbed down ports of AAA games than nothing.

    I see they have a teleportation option and can only hope they have both smooth motion, dual shock, move and aim controller options. Wouldn’t mind a visual tunneling option as well as in Skyrim VR.

    Biggest thing to me is smooth motion… it’s a must buy if so.

    Still think it’s stupid for anything to remain exclusive for the VR industry at this point. If timed it should only be a few months if that or just tell us that the pc version will be refined even more and it’ll just take longer to leave us PC folks somewhat satisfied on our Master Race pedestal. :P

    • Gary

      I don’t mind exclusives. Some titles simply won’t exist without proper funding. If Sony’s money and exclusivity is going to help out with the PC port down the track then by all means go for it.

      • Pablo C

        May be, but that´s definitly not the case for a VR adaptation of an old game. For that you need a fraction of the people and resources.

  • I would LOVE to be in the Borderlands universe in VR. I hope the PC port comes soon!!

  • VRgameDevGirl

    F exclusives. That pisses me off. Yes, i have a PSVR but I would rather play this with my roomscale VIVE wireless with TPcast.

  • nasprin

    Well, I’m not really mad, if there is even a slightest chance of me screeming “I HAVE THE SHINIEST MEAT BICYCLE” in my Vive while furiously waving my axe at my nearest basil plant, I’m already happy!

  • I have a PSVR headset, used it to play Skyrim to DEATH. I must have been in there for over 200 hours! I think I’ll have to pick this one up.

    I am concerned about multiplayer though. If there’s a Slow-Mo ability, that basically precludes multiplayer. You can’t go slowing down each other’s game, that’d be weird. The game wouldn’t be the same without Co-Op.

  • Emmanuel Anthis

    Guys I really can’t imagine where this train of “PCVR VS PSVR” is going to stop eventually!!! I mean why this argument exists at first point!!! We do know that PC can be as powerful as your wallet goes, but thats not the point here. As for the exclusives, that is a marketing issue, can’t you see that? Of course there will be exclusives, its all about money!!! They don’t care if we get a good time in our free time, besides work and family!!! I mean why the hell don’t you all stop arguing about it??? Its good for all the of us, community or not, in the end we are gamers! If something good comes either from Vive or Sony or PC vendors, in the end it will be good for all of us! Its called competition! But not in consumer level, us I mean, in business level! I want a freaking great VR experience, if PC get it first I will buy the damn super PC and have it, if Sony gets it first I will get the damn console without putting the PC buried on the ground!

  • Blankfrak70

    Old PS3 games seems to be a good fit for PSVR, Wipeout worked out so well so this has potential but… ugh…teleportation, hope that’s not the only locomotion option.

  • JohnPA2006

    Listen everyone, be happy VR is on the map at all right now, what a glorious time to be gaming. You’re arguing about which is best, think about it, a few years ago there was nothing, now you have choices and plenty of awesome games. Play your VR on whatever system or PC you have an ENJOY IT ALL !!!