Tetris Effect is a modern day adaptation of the classic block-breaker Tetris that promises a number of new features to go along with a host of immersive 3D environments. Created by Rez Infinite (2001) studio Enhance Experience and Monstars, the game is now available on PS4, PS4 Pro and PSVR.

Tetris Effect touts over 30 different stages, each of them with their own music, sound effects, graphical style and background that all evolve and change as you play through them.

10 different modes should keep the block-stacking fresh, as you compete through a variety of tasks including clearing increasingly higher numbers of lines as fast as you can, earning as many ‘all clears’ and combos as you can before time runs out, and clearing as many of the dreaded ‘Dark Blocks’ as you can in Purify Mode.

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Announced back at E3 earlier this year (on “Tetris Day” none the less), the game was named after the very real-world phenomenon where players continue to hallucinate ghostly imprints of Tetris blocks across their vision well after the console is turned off.

Tetris Effect is now live on the PlayStation Store, retailing for $40. The game is entirely VR-compatible, offering the full experience to PSVR players.

Check out the gameplay video below to get an idea of what sort of wild visuals await.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Yocto Yotta

    Rez Infinite was released in 2016 by Enhance Experience and Monstars. The original 2001 Rez was a United Game Artists joint published by SEGA. The creative mind behind both version of Rez as well as Tetris Effect, Tetsuya Mizuguchi, deserves mention alongside all three games.

  • John Overholt

    I just wish it was also released on PC!!!!!

  • It’s a little flash on a dead, ancient game.

    Also, that video, that guy is a sadist! Who keeps such a high well and doesn’t use it? Drop that line where it counts man! Clean the deck! You’re killing my OCD!!!