Oculus Connect 6 has offered up a deluge of VR news, and on stage today Facebook announced launch dates for both Asgard’s Wrath and Stormland.

Asgard’s Wrath is slated to arrive on October 10th for the Rift platform.

The combat-adventure game is an Oculus exclusive, and is being built by the Oculus-backed Sanzaru Games. We went hands on at E3 earlier this summer, so check out our hands-on which is only a light dusting of the game’s purported 30+ hour gameplay length—something that promises to be a true ‘AAA’ VR game.

'Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond' Revealed as Respawn's AAA VR Shooter, Trailer Here

Stormland, the next (and likely final) Oculus exclusive title from Insomniac Games, will come a bit later, as it’s slated to arrive on November 14th.

The game will feature drop-in / drop-out co-op for two players, and a vast ever-changing environment that promises a constant flow of remixed and new content. Check out the latest info and trailer showing of the two-player co-op and combat tactics to get a better idea of what awaits.

This news is breaking. Check back for more info on all things AR/VR to come from OC6.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • JesuSaveSouls

    Wow just around the corner.

  • Jarilo

    Oct. 10th for Asperger’s Wrath ? Didn’t see that coming.

  • Siilk

    So let me get this straight. Respawn is sitting on the Titanfall franchise and for their “tripple A VR title” they picked the crappy MoH? They could’ve made a VR titan piloting game and yet they opted out for WW2, the most boring and bland setting possible? WTF is wrong with them?

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Why are you blabbing your boring remark also here? and Titanfall is boring, MoH is great..

      • Totius

        I completely agree

    • Jarilo


    • MeowMix

      Maybe Respawn was tired of making Titanfall games. Oculus (via Jason Rubin) has been very open about allowing Respawn to have creative independence on their VR game. AS for me, I’m super excited for MoH VR; and it’s going to include a multiplayer mode !!