Cas & Chary Present: A Glimpse Inside ‘Stormland’ Co-op Multiplayer Gameplay


Stormland is an upcoming Oculus exclusive first-person shooter adventure game with open-world elements and full-fledged co-op. At Oculus Connect 6 we had the opportunity to try out a demo of the multiplayer feature ahead of the game’s November 14th release date.

Cas & Chary Present

Cas and Chary VR is a YouTube channel hosted by Netherland-based duo Casandra Vuong and Chary Keijzer who have been documenting their VR journeys since 2016. In partnership with the channel, Road to VR shares a curated selection of their content.

Previously, we’ve checked out the Stormland single-player mode, where we got a sneak peek of the game’s sci-fi world. In the game you are an android powered to do superhuman things. The demo featured a range of locomotion modes, like smooth movement, gliding, flying, and climbing, as well as some of the game’s exploration elements where you can loot many of the things around you. The stuff you collect is required to craft upgrades, weapons, and more. Upgrades to your android arm are done by detaching your arm, putting it on a crafting table, and then watching the machine print a new arm. When done, you can reattach your arm and then use your new or upgraded ability.

In the co-op multiplayer demo, we got to experience a mission with a friend. Both of us had full-body robot avatars; something about seeing your friend’s robot arms wave at you made for some hilarious interactions.

The mission was to find three keys to open a secret underground vault. At the start of the mission we were already equipped with guns and a force shield to block incoming fire.

One new thing we saw in the demo was the map feature. You can see a mini-map when you look at your left wrist. If you press a button, a large map spawns in front of you showing all the points of interest as red glowing spheres. This large map looks like a hologram that you can walk into which felt like an immersive design solution for a map.

For our mission, multiple points were marked but not all of them contained the keys we needed. At all points, there was a scanner that we could unlock which would either have a key inside or allow us to scan for the other keys. To reach each scanner we had to fight enemies first that were patrolling the area. Since ammunition can run out, this was challenging at times, though you can pick up weapons from fallen enemies.

After defeating everyone, we could unlock the scanner that would pop up a screen. This screen allowed us to choose a direction to scan (north, east, south, or west). By scanning, we were able to see if there was a key in that direction. We could only scan once, though, so if we picked the wrong direction, we had to find a new scanner.

We had to battle many robots and poisonous plants to progress. The enemy robots were varied, some were bigger and stronger while some were easier. We were able to use different weapons and even steal weapons from dead robots. At some point, we found upgrade tables that we could use to buy an arm upgrade, new weapons, or health canisters. We could also find grenades scattered around the map that you could use for explosive ambushes.

'Stormland' to Support 2 Player Drop-in Co-op, New Trailer Highlights Diverse Combat Tactics

The multiplayer gameplay was fun and intuitive. It has made us excited for this game. Stormland features a two-player co-op mode for the entire story campaign, and Oculus has confirmed it’s ‘drop-in/drop-out’ which means friends and join or leave your session at any time without interrupting your play. You can of course play the whole campaign solo if you prefer.

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  • arczi79

    Next awesome game to play this year. There is no return to 2D gaming any more!

    • John G

      So true. I don’t do flat gaming any more, there’s enough great content in VR to keep me busy!

  • This is the game I’ve been waiting for. It was a big let down that No Man’s Sky worked so poorly in CoOp. Hopefully my friend and I will have as much fun in this as we had in The Forest in CoOp.

  • John G

    It looks great, but you lost me at “Exclusive”.

    We need more co-op multiplayer.

    • KUKWES

      well be prepared to miss out on a lot of great games the next 5 years when the exclusives that have been cooking longer come to PSVR and Oculus

      • John G

        Then I’ll miss them. So will anyone with the Pimax, the Valve Index, any HTC headset … I could go on and on.

        Yes, I know about Revive. I refuse to support the whole platform.

        The last thing VR needs is to be divided in half. This will KILL VR. People already talk about how VR has died. It doesn’t help when adoption rates look like they are half of what they are.

        You should not reward this kind of behavior, but you do you :)

        I have a ton of good games to waste time with. Right now,
        I’m doing Skyrim VR. Not as cool as the above, but I’ve already run 20k and actually had fun doing it.

        == John =



  • donkeyhigh

    How do I join my friends? Whenever I try and join my brother’s game, the Join button is just colored red, and won’t let me push it. Same to him. And the Invite button doesn’t seem to do anything..
    We tried changing the settings to Public, and one time it worked. It loaded into his game, I even got the warning about my progress not going to be saved, so I was definitely connected to his game. But when we tried to meet up at the main base, we couldn’t find each other. It was like we were in 2 separate lobbys.
    Any ideas?