AltspaceVR is a social VR platform focused on sharing 2D and 3D web content in VR that shows great promise. In a new video, presented by Altspace’s Community Manager ‘Cymatic’ Bruce Wooden, they take a tour of the SDK in it’s current state and outline how they’d like to bring selected developers onboard to assist them in shaping it further.
Within the next two weeks, we would like to bring aboard a limited number of developers to build in-VR apps and give us feedback on the SDK as well as its documentation. We would be looking to have each app in a releasable state by May 23rd. These developers would be working with us as contractors and be compensated for their work.
The technologies involved with building an app include Object Oriented Javascript, three.js basics (transformation and .obj loading), and GSAP animations. The app would be restricted to a limited volume within a virtual space.
If you’re interested in the program, head over to fill out this form.
Find out more about Altspace and sign up for beta access head to AltspaceVR’s website here.