Apollo 11 Educational Experience Nears Kickstarter Goal With 3 Days Remaining

Apollo 11 Educational Experience Nears Kickstarter Goal With 3 Days Remaining

The clock is ticking for Immersive VR Education’s Apollo 11 Virtual Reality Experience. With only 3 days left in the Kickstarter campaign, the team is more than 75% of the way to reaching their crowdfunding goal.

apollo 11 experience exteriorapollo 11 experience exterior

The educational applications of VR have largely gone unexplored, save for a few brave souls that have put their time and energy into creating experiences and platforms for the next generation of young people to discover. There’s a “one small step for man…” joke in there somewhere.

The Apollo 11 experience is designed to be an accurate recreation of the events leading up to the first moon walk and includes features such as:

  • Accurate digital models of the Saturn V, Command Module, Lunar Lander, Astronauts, Launch Tower.
  • The Original Real Time audio from NASA Control, the Command Module, and Lunar Lander.
  • Interviews from the Astronauts themselves
  • Guided tour or Interactive experience based on your preference

At just €10 ($10.50) you can receive full access to the Lunar mission working on Linux, Mac, and Windows systems for use with both Oculus Rift DK2 and standard monitors. Provided the team reaches their funding goal, the experience is planned for release in July 2015.

The Apollo 11 Experience on Kickstarter

apollo 11 experience cockpitapollo 11 experience cockpit

The creative minds behind the The Apollo 11 Experience have been around the virtual block once or twice—the married couple David and Sandra Whelan, better known as the minds and voices of Virtual Reality Reviewer and Drash from Titans of Space fame all have their hands in the making of the educational experience, which is designed to remain true to historical events and teach users in a new and interesting way through the lens of VR.

See Also: Rev VR Podcast (Ep.95): Apollo 11 Kickstarter and Education in VR with Drash, David, and Sandra

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