Atari will soon be opening hotels in the United States that feature what they call “the latest in VR and AR.” The move comes as a part of a recently announced deal with GSD Group, an innovation and strategy agency, which will see game-themed Atari Hotels come to several cities across the United States.

According to a press statement, the first location is slated to break ground in Phoenix, AZ sometime later this year. Additional hotels planned in Las Vegas, Denver, Chicago, Austin, Seattle, San Francisco, and San Jose.

In addition to the AR/VR focused facilities, the company says select Atari Hotels will also feature “state-of-the-art venues and studios” for esports events.

The project is being led by GSD Group; True North Studio, a Phoenix-based real estate developer, and Steve Wozniak’s Woz Innovation Foundation are helping to develop the first Atari-brand hotel.

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“Atari Hotels will be the first of their kind in the U.S., offering gamers of all ages the ultimate in immersive entertainment and in every aspect of gaming. We’re excited to be working on this project with such great partners and to bring a big win to Arizona,” said Shelly Murphy, founder of GDS Group.

The storied company, which helped pioneer both the home gaming and home computing segment, is soon to release its retro console ‘Atari VCS’, which is expected to release sometime in early 2020.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Fascinating. Will this be more like a resort then?

  • Alexisms

    It’s those lovable scamps Atari! What could go wrong?

    • (quietly reflects on everything with an Atari name in the last 30 years)

  • johngrimoldy

    It’d be useful to see a little more detail of what’s being planned here.

    I’m presuming that each room will have some sort of AR/VR “pod”. Because of the space required, are they planning murphy beds? If no AR/VR pod in each room, then why do a hotel? If the VR is going to be on a select number of floors, can’t that be accomplished without the “hotel” part and with greater throughput of guests?

    • You “presume” the best case scenario. That’s highly unlikely. Most likely is the mediocre scenario, where it’s just a hotel with a few extra arcades and a handful of VR pods.

      As for hotels, they generate money all on their own, there’s always a reason to build them. A theme drives more weary travelers to their door. That’s just economics.

      • Jonathan Winters III

        The pessimist has spoken!

  • JesuSaveSouls

    Like taking a vacation to the retro 80s.

  • Jimmy Ray

    Will be booking a room in Austin

  • Ok, I now know where I want to sleep if I go to America!

    • Cythia

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  • brandon9271

    You put on AR glasses in the lobby and then spend your stay running away from Pacman ghosts.

  • So, it’s kinda like electronic Disneyland? If the cost isn’t too absurd and the lines aren’t ridiculous, it could be well worthwhile. I suppose it depends on how crazy they really plan on getting.

    Do you check in, get a set of AR glasses, and just wander the halls from one awesome thing to another? Or is it just a hotel with extra arcades? There’s a huge range between AWESOME-to-Suck they could hit. Maybe Steve Wozniak might have the necessary vision, although vision was more Job’s thing. What is the history of these other people? Do any of them have the sheer balls to see this through properly?

    If the only thing they do is put in a few arcades and like 3 VR machines, it’s going to be SUPER lame. If they line the halls positional tracking markets and give each guest their own AR glasses at check it, it could be mind blowing.

    • Actually, the more I think about it, and the Atari name in general… it’s going to be a normal hotel with a few extra arcades and a handful of poorly maintained VR exhibits. They are going to put more money into that dumb facade then any of the exhibits.

      The problem is they’d have to INVENT new stuff to fill out the wild dreams we’re all having. It’s just not possible with any gear out now. The Atari name hasn’t been attached to that level of foresight and initiative in decades. Hallways with Pacman ghosts are just too much for off-the-shelf technology. It’s not just unlikely, it’s WILDLY unlikely. :/