Beat Games, the studio behind Beat Saber (2018), announced that company CEO Jaroslav Beck will be stepping down from his position to further pursue music deals for the studio’s block-slashing rhythm game.

Beat Games says in a multi-part tweet that Vladimir Hrincar, the co-creator behind Beat Saber (along with Jan Ilavsky), is taking over the role of the CEO.

Image courtesy Jaroslav Beck

Beck, known for creating much of the game’s original tracks, initially made a name for himself in the games industry by producing music compositions for several franchises, including music for Overwatch short films, an introduction trailer to StarCraft: Legacy of the Void, and trailers for EA Games’ Battlefield.

In 2016, Beck founded Epic Music Productions, a studio focusing on soundtrack music composition for both the games and movie industry.

In May 2018, Beck took over as CEO of the newly formed studio Beat Games, which was previously named Hyperbolic Magnetism.

Watch: 'Beat Saber' 360 Mode Feels like a New Way to Play

Beat Games says the transition will give Beck “much bigger flexibility in pursuing music opportunities and initiatives for Beat Saber and continue to deliver the best music content for our community.”

According to Beck’s LinkedIn, he now holds the position ‘Head of Music at Beat Games’.

The game’s most recent deal brought in a DLC pack with 10 playable tracks from American pop-rock band Imagine Dragons. The studio previously released a DLC pack from various electronic artists under the Monstercat recording label.

Beck is currently working on Beat Saber’s OST Vol. III, which still doesn’t have a release date yet at the time of this writing.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Daven Bigelow

    Great move, securing more music deals will extend the life of Beat Saber ever farther.

    • Getting more music is the lifeblood of a music game. They should be releasing song packs monthly if not weekly. There’s so much interest in the game right now there must be artists lined up around the block to get in. The only possible thing holding it back must be bureaucracy. Putting someone familiar with both the industry and the inner workings of the company like Beck is a great move towards opening the floodgates.

  • MosBen

    I’m sure that this is a good move, and getting more content into a music game is always a good thing. That said, Imagine Dragons really blows.

    • Imagine Dragons wouldn’t be an issue if they didn’t compose over 1/4 of the songs to play. I own it on PSVR so more songs can’t come fast enough for me. I will say that ID has managed to grow on me a bit, but I was none too keen on the idea to begin with. The strength of Beat Saber’s play pulled me through.

      • MountainK1ng

        The strength of the maps really helped too. I hadn’t heard most of those songs or didn’t realize they were Imagine Dragons though. Playing Machine on Expert is an epic experience.

        • Yeah, the mapping is really good too. Warriors on Expert is probably my favorite Expert song. I’ve managed the rest on Expert+, and while they’re really good at transferring and building on the skills and patterns used in Expert tracks to more complex and busy Expert+ tracks, I have yet crack Warriors but it remains really fun on Expert. Digital on Expert+ is a fantastic challenge too, pretty much the limit of my ability right now. Still needs waaaaay more tracks though, about the only thing holding me back from daily sessions is the repetition.

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    They need to make better maps. A lot of their maps barely compete with mid level custom maps, let along some of the best ones. And they need to bring 360 levels to PCVR, let me worry about the cord/some people have wireless adapters.

    • Didn’t they hire some of the top modders to work on their new maps?

      • Ad

        Sounds good

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  • Foreign Devil

    A case of an artist getting stuck in a more corporate role and craving the creative. .even if it means a big pay reduction.

  • Jarilo

    I’m just going to start using custom community songs, but to be honest I’m bored of Beat Saber already. Kind of tired of seeing it all over the place by now.

    • MountainK1ng

      Early adopter problems… Still a great game for introducing people to VR.

      • Jarilo

        Getting bored of a game is normal after a while, not a problem. I don’t work for these companies to go around trying to sell their VR products, if they want to hire me though I’m game.