Beat Games today announced that their hit black-slashing rhythm game Beat Saber (2018) is finally headed out of Early Access on PC. To boot, the studio is also releasing the long-awaited official Level Editor.

Update (12:30 PM ET): Beat Games has confirmed in a tweet that the Level Editors is not coming to PSVR as per Sony’s rules.

Beat Saber first launched as an Early Access title on Steam and the Oculus Store back in May 2018, and has since added not only a few free songs, but also its first paid DLC song pack.

The studio says in a Steam news post that despite heading out of Early Access, that there’s much more planned for the game including more music packs full of “big name artists” across more genres, as well as regularly released free tracks.

Beat Games was adamant about releasing the Level Editor in the early days of development, although the actual path to that wasn’t so clear. However the studio now says they’ve decided on what they call a “very simple” 2D interface that most importantly allows you to create levels for your own audio tracks.

'Beat Saber' Has Been PSVR's Top Download for 6 Months Running

More importantly, with the entrance of a first-party level editor, modded songs probably won’t automatically break every time the studio updates the game—a little less stress hanging over your head as you spend hours getting that Expert+ level just right.

Beat Games maintains that all Beat Saber version are at parity, which could possibly mean that the Level Editor would come to both the PSVR version and the upcoming Oculus Quest version too (see update). We’ve reached out to Beat Games for clarification and we’ll update as soon as we hear back.

If you haven’t pulled the trigger on Beat Saber yet, this may be your last chance to get it at the Early Access price of $20. After May 21st, the price will change to $30 across all platforms. Beat Games hasn’t mentioned anything about cross-buy with Rift/Quest versions, so it’s very possible that you’ll have to buy the game twice if you already own it.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • jj

    So this is almost perfect, will your created maps be in a browser for others to download and try or are the maps only local?

  • Downvote King

    It’ll very interesting to see how they handle sharing user created tracks. Outside of existing copyrighted material it would be cool if indy musicians could release tracks themselves in this way, or have tiered official involvement from the dev depending on interest.

    I still don’t understand how it’s taken them so long to develop and release song packs, especially with the first one out of the way, the template should be in place. Artists must be climbing over each other for the opportunity to work with them, there should be lots of options with straightforward/amicable rights management.

    • Justos

      My guess is on the PC side, there will be a mod installer just like beatsaver. But on quest, there will have to be another sideloaded app that can play the tracks. Which kindof introduces piracy, but thats just one way to do it. Hopefully they find a way to mod the official game instead.

      People will just “upload” their officially made maps, in an unofficial database. Best of both worlds really.

      • Downvote King

        My hope would be an in-app browser in both cases, with a combination of algorithm to sense copyrighted material used without permission and moderators to ensure proper use, perhaps like Youtube but hopefully less tyrannical. What really interests me with this though is independent artists being able access it as a way to promote their content and get it in front of an audience in a unique, involving way.

        There are so many good songs out there that don’t depend on wading through the legal departments of monolithic record labels, but instead can deal directly with the artists themselves. I’d love to see a self-publishing market as well, where artists could take advantage of promoting some of their songs free to then sell their own song packs and revenue share with the dev – kind of like the old shareware model.


    Being a bit annoyed by the PSVR tracking and the cable, I really cannot wait to get my hands on the quest with Beat Saber. It will be literally liberating.
    I can also see myself spending more on Quest than on PSVR titles in the upcoming months. Ahh, good times!

  • Firestorm185

    Great to hear there will finally be a level editor that’s official, really sucks to hear that not only will they not be supporting cross buy, but for those who bought it on Oculus originally, not only will you have to buy it again for Quest, but you’ll have to buy it again at a hiked price. Not cool.

    • Jistuce

      Edit: Never mind. I see elsewhere they’ve explicitly said no crossbuy. The logic makes sense, but I can understand why people are disappointed.

  • oompah

    Never liked the game
    btw music averse now

  • Justos

    Beatsaber is in another league visually on quest.. Just saw a through the lens video, and the vibrancy of the display and clear optics make it the best looking version yet.

    That said, without mods im not sure it will have much staying power (for me).