Beat Saber, the block-slashing rhythm game, is getting its fourth original sound track (OST) installation today, coming to all supported platforms for free.

Update (March 18th, 2021): OST 4 is now available, including four tracks. Gameplay and capture provided by YouTuber ‘Ugly Magician’:

The original article announcing OST 4 follows below:

Original Article (March 16th, 2021): Facebook’s Beat Games announced the news via Twitter, however details are still thin on the ground.

There’s possibly at least one clue from the teaser video; the background shown during the countdown changes significantly when it gets to number four, showing an environment with a twisting effects. We’ll have to wait until March 18th to find out, it seems.

Image courtesy Beat Games

If this one is anything like the last two OST packs, which released in 2018 and 2019 respectively, we expect number four to include somewhere around a half-dozen tracks. We’re also expecting to see more music from Jaroslav Beck, the game’s principal composer and previous CEO of Beat Games.

For the benefit of YouTubers everywhere, the studio is again making its OST Content ID free, so you’ll be able to upload complete playthroughs without risking demonetization.

Beat Saber is available on all major VR headsets, including Oculus Quest, Oculus Rift, SteamVR headsets, and PSVR.

Looking to make the most of your Beat Saber sessions? The studio just released an interesting new video that delves into the Beat Saber’s new modifier system which, if you enable it, really ups the game’s difficulty.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.