Fans of the block-slashing rhythm game Beat Saber (2018) want to know: when are more songs coming? Well, the developers Beat Games say that they still need more time to work on it, but that users can at least look forward to more guaranteed free songs at some point too.

“We plan to add more songs to the game free with the updates, but Music Packs will contain more songs and will be paid so we can support [the artists] who are creating the music,” the studio explains in a tweet.

“We’ll need some more time to work on it before it’s ready for release. It’s not that easy as we thought, but we’re working on it,” the studio says in another tweet, telling fans to also stay tuned for further announcements.

Beat Games said that their first DLC pack could have come to users as early as December, but it seems the studio didn’t want to rush their first post-launch product despite some very potent Christmas hype thanks to a PSVR hardware bundle. Ostensibly an act of recompense, the studio released the hit viral track POP/STARS by K/DA, which landed on both PC VR and PSVR platforms right before Christmas.

Despite having celebrated such a smashing success, the studio is still a pretty small team a good nine months after Beat Saber first broke out on PC VR platforms. It remains a modest five-person operation, so while some fans may decry the lack of new songs, the studio really only has one chance to make this right, and seems to be going about it in a pretty smart way.

How to Fix 'Beat Saber' Custom Songs and Mods After an Update

As far as we can tell, Beat Games is playing their hand pretty conservatively; they aren’t throwing caution to the wind by going on a hiring spree, or buying a hip office in downtown San Francisco. At the moment, they’re likely focusing on making their first DLC an absolute must-have. The core game’s track list is a pretty hard act to follow, so differentiating new tracks from old one is probably a full-time job at this point too.

Whatever the case may be, we’ll be glued to the company’s official twitter profile in the coming weeks hoping for more K-POP, J-POP, Hip hop, and possibly even bebop.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.