david-bowmanDavid Bowman is Director of Production at Crytek, and he gave me the inside story of how VR went viral within Crytek to the point of having well over 50 developers and multiple triple AAA quality VR projects in development for the Sony PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift, and HTC Vive. He’s been doing game development for over 20 years now, and he’s never seen this much excitement internally about a new technology. There were developers who were willing to work for free on VR because they were so excited to help discover the new game mechanics and emotions that were only possible within VR. I caught up with David at the VRX conference where the told me about integrating VR into the CRYENGINE as well as Robinson: The Journey and their latest Back to Dinosaur Island 2 tech demo.


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  • yag

    When I experiment their demo in DK2, I imagine the full experience in CV1 or Vive… I don’t know if I’m ready.

    • Tim Suetens

      Because it’s so good? Or bad?

      • yag

        The (too short) demo is great indeed, fantastic art, animation and 3d engine.

  • Lamanuwa

    Looking forward for Robinson, on PSVR. It was the most exciting trailer I saw at E3.