While Oculus doesn’t offer much publicly in the way of understanding how well individual apps are performing across its VR storefronts, it’s possible to glean some insight by looking at apps relative to each other. Here’s a snapshot of the top 20 Oculus Quest games and apps as of January 2022.

Some quick qualifications before we get to the data:

  • Paid and free apps are separated
  • Only apps with more than 100 reviews are represented
  • App Lab apps are not represented
  • Rounded ratings may appear to show ‘ties’ in ratings for some applications, but the ranked order remains correct

Best Rated Paid Oculus Quest Apps

The rating of each application is an aggregate of user reviews and a useful way to understand the general reception of each title by customers.

Rank Name Rating (# of ratings) Rank Change Price
#1 Puzzling Places 4.92 (791) $15
#2 The Room VR: A Dark Matter 4.9 (9,640) $30
#3 I Expect You To Die 2 4.87 (1,686) $25
#4 Walkabout Mini Golf 4.86 (5,346) $15
#5 Ragnarock 4.84 (464) ↑ 4 $25
#6 Swarm 4.83 (1,608) ↑ 1 $25
#7 Moss 4.82 (5,362) ↓ 1 $30
#8 I Expect You To Die 4.81 (4,244) $25
#9 Cubism 4.81 (594) ↑ 1 $10
#10 YUKI 4.8 (168) ↓ 5 $20
#11 The Thrill of the Fight 4.79 (7,656) $10
#12 Pistol Whip 4.78 (7,930) $30
#13 Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 4.77 (7,694) ↑ 2 $30
#14 GORN 4.76 (5,859) $20
#15 In Death: Unchained 4.75 (3,436) ↑ 1 $30
#16 ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos 4.74 (930) ↑ 1 $40
#17 Trover Saves the Universe 4.74 (1,961) ↑ 1 $30
#18 Yupitergrad 4.73 (459) ↑ 1 $15
#19 Job Simulator 4.71 (9,977) ↑ 2 $20
#20 SUPERHOT VR 4.71 (15,234) ↑ 2 $25

Rank change & stats compared to December 2021

Lucky’s Tale, Racket: Nx

  • Among the 20 best rated Quest apps
    • Average rating (mean): 4.8 out of 5 (±0)
    • Average price (mean): $23 (±0)
    • Most common price (mode): $30 (±$0)
  • Among all paid Quest apps
    • Average rating (mean): 4.2 out of 5 (−0.1)
    • Average price (mean): $20 (±$0)
    • Most common price (mode): $20 (±$0)

Continue on Page 2: Most Popular Paid Oculus Quest Apps »

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Puzzling places is great, it deserves its first place!

  • Christian Schildwaechter

    The trend from the last months continues: Blade & Sorcery: Nomad is wiping the floor with Resident Evil 4. Both made the “Top new ratings list” first in November, with RE4 coming a little bit on top (3882 vs. 3329), then it got handily beaten in December (1081 vs. 2197) and now again in January, including the Christmas rush of new Quest owners (1426 vs 3604). Quite astonishing considering all the hype surrounding RE4 and the sheer advantage the Resident Evil brand recognition should give it.

    So if you have do decide where you want to invest your game development money: don’t go for the expensive port of a very established cult title that still smells a lot like flatscreen, instead pick the mass murdering psychopath simulator perfectly suited for VR with no story but lots of opportunities to wiggle around and remove limbs.

    And again we see huge upwards jumps across the board even for very old titles, usually raking in at least double the new ratings. Job simulator generated a six fold in sales/ratings (1327 in January vs 221 in November, RoadToVR messed up the December numbers), confirming once again that the Quest is a consumer device with heavily seasonal sales characteristics.

  • Trenix

    Has this website been falling behind? Garden of the Sea has recently been released and Song in the Smoke has never been mentioned. Two games that are worthy and not even a mention?

    • NL_VR

      Havent played garden of the sea, but song in the smoke may be a little overhyped imo. Seems like the playstation vr fans like it but i dont know what kinda of VR games they are usual to. PSVR feels more “simplified”
      If you not fan of survival and grinding you will get bored i think.
      The game is decent imo.

    • benz145
  • Cosma Onira

    This is actually a pretty good top. Thanks

  • Cosma Onira

    To me, it doesn’t feel like you’ve fallen behind. This list is very nice, thanks for your effort!