Best Rated Free Oculus Quest Apps

Name Rating (# of ratings)
First Steps 4.83 (953)
Echo VR 4.77 (3,308)
Oculus First Contact 4.70 (756)
Anne Frank House VR 4.61 (542)
The Under Presents 4.57 (630)
Rec Room 4.55 (4,989)
Bogo 4.42 (537)
ecosphere 4.41 (150)
Quill Theater 4.40 (134)
Mission: ISS 4.31 (613)
Bigscreen Beta 4.19 (1,283)
Bait! 4.18 (598)
YouTube VR 3.96 (674)
The Key 3.94 (462)
Traveling While Black 3.91 (426)
Adam Savage’s Tested VR 3.91 (287)
Henry 3.87 (140)
PokerStars VR 3.86 (1,837)

Placements Compared to November 2019

First Steps (≡), Oculus First Contact (↓1), Anne Frank House VR (↓1), Rec Room (≡), NOTES ON BLINDNESS (↑1), Bogo (↓1), Mission: ISS (↓2), Bigscreen Beta (↓1), Bait! (↑1), YouTube VR (↓2), Traveling While Black (↑2), Adam Savage’s Tested VR (↓13), Pokerstars VR (↓3)

Echo VR, The Under Presents, ecosphere, Quill Theater, The Key, Henry

SKYBOX VR Video Player, NextVR, AltspaceVR, VRChat, Firefox Reality, Prime Video VR, Netflix

Stats Compared to November 2019

  • Among the 20 best rated free Quest apps
    • Average rating (mean): 4.3 out of 5 (±0)
  • Among all free Quest apps
    • Average rating (mean): 3.7 out of 5 (−0.4)

Continue on Page 4: Most Rated Free Oculus Quest Apps

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • mfx

    I remember the comments about the room saying: they are stupid to release it the same day as Alyx, Nobody is gonna care… Today it’s the best rated and obviously lots of ratings.

    Nice to see the great Moss still at the top.

    • ComfyWolf

      Unless someone is using Link then Alyx isn’t even available on the Quest, I’m sure sales were somewhat affected by Alyx but not very significantly. Plus there aren’t a ton of games on the Quest, so a good one is going to stand out regardless of what else releases on the same day.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Then again, top rated doesn’t mean best selling..

  • Ron

    Just an FYI in case anyone’s looking…Rift S back in stock at Oculus for a moment

  • dbg

    Most games on Quest are $30 and for the most part they’re casual games and the novelty wears off fast. Too expensive compared to a PS4 pr XBOX games, even at double the price when first released, but if you wait a few months you can get it form half the price.

  • Kris Bunch

    Does anyone else find rating scores for Quest games over inflated? It would also be nice to see how long someone has played the game before rating it, like Steam.

  • MosBen

    A buddy of mine’s brother was part of the very small team that made Moss, and I’m always excited to see it doing well.

  • Pablo C

    I thought the Quest was going to really hit it with new great games, but after all, it ended holding single experiences that wear fast. On the oposite side, I though PC VR was going to be displaced by mobile VR, but on contraire, this year we got Alyx, Asgard, Stormlands, Saints and sinners, all top of the notch PC VR games. Plus, great ports, like NMS.