Most Rated Free Oculus Rift Apps

The number of ratings often gives a ballpark idea of the relative sales of each title; a title with more ratings is likely to have sold better than a title with less, though there’s certainly an unknown margin of error.

Name Number of Ratings (rating) Rank Change*
Google Earth VR 8,497 (4.49) New
Rec Room 5,167 (4.42) ↓ 1
VRChat 4,701 (4.46) New
Echo VR 4,120 (4.4) ↓ 2
Bigscreen Beta 3,614 (4.24) New
Minecraft 3,588 (3.3) ↓ 3
Spider-Man: Far From Home Virtual Reality 2,922 (3.98) ↓ 3
Aircar 2,363 (4.56) ↓ 3
DeoVR Video Player 2,091 (4.18) New
Oculus First Contact 1,697 (4.71) New
PokerStars VR 1,496 (4.32) New
Epic Roller Coasters 1,422 (3.49) New
Face Your Fears 1,355 (4.27) New
BBC Home – A VR Spacewalk 1,256 (3.66) New
Lost 1,217 (3.94) New
Oculus Dreamdeck 1,197 (4.44) New
Henry 1,163 (4.5) New
Wolves in the Walls 1,095 (4.83) New
Bullet Train 1,094 (4.38) ↓ 13
Farlands 1,092 (3.87) ↓ 13

Rank Change & Stats Compared to July 2020

Toybox, NVIDIA® VR Funhouse, Mythos of the World Axis, Brass Tactics: Arena, Flying Aces: Navy Pilot Simulator (Trial Version), Wrench: Engine Building Demo, VRMultigames, Guns’n’Stories: Preface VR, Aces High, Magic Table Chess, Archangel™ Hellfire Free, War Robots VR: The Skirmish, InCell

* Early Access apps are now included in our data which means some changes in ranking may be due to a technicality rather than a large change in rating

  • Among the 20 most rated free Rift apps
    • Median number of ratings : 1,597
  • Among all free Rift apps
    • Median number of ratings: 275

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Bonus Stats

  • There are approximately 1,702 games & apps in the Oculus Rift store
  • 74% of games & apps are paid while 26% are free
  • 20% of Rift games & apps have earned more than 100 ratings (compared to 82% on the Quest store)
  • The most common price on the Rift store is $20 (equal to Quest)
  • Two games are currently tied as the most expensive in the Rift library at $60: DiRT Rally 2.0 and Elite Dangerous: Commander Deluxe Edition (the most expensive games on the Quest store are $40)
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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Graham J ⭐️

    Interesting to see what games people will be leaving behind or running with Revive instead (assuming this gets around the problem) due to the new Facebook login requirement.

    • Jaap Olsthoorn

      So true, I just added a bunch of these games to my wishlist, but you can bet that it’s my steam wishlist and not my oculus one, even though Oculus store is a much nicer experience.

  • These are almost all very old games (in terms of VR timespan), hard to know if they’re (still) popular because they’re actually good, or they’re popular because they keep appearing on lists like this. I feel like these kinds of lists need a term limit, so newer titles have a chance to get popular.

    • Data

      100% agree
      I am (I was ?) a VR Dev. Stop working since lockdown in March.
      Get back to it just to discover the same old things over and over again.
      It does not take off!