With Thanksgiving and Black Friday come and gone, we’re tracking the best PlayStation VR (PSVR) Cyber Monday 2017 deals.

Updated: 11/27/17, 3:26AM ET

PSVR Deal Baseline

Before making a purchase, it bears mentioning exactly how much money you’ll be saving over the baseline cost of the headset. Without any discounts or deals, the basic PSVR ‘all-in’ bundle—which includes the VR headset, PS Move controllers, and PS Camera—has historically cost as low as $500. While the the headset alone with no controllers and camera can come in as low as $285, the best savings invariably come to you via Sony’s new bundles.

The Best PSVR Cyber Monday 2017 Deal

Dollar-for-dollar, the best deal so far is the new PSVR + Skyrim VR Bundle for $334 from Dell which includes the updated PSVR headset, PS Move controllers, PS Camera and a copy of Skyrim VR [our review]. While the bundle will return to its normal price of $450 after the sale, you’d spend a grand total of $540 if you purchased a normally priced PSVR + PS Camera bundle [Amazon] ($400), a separate pair of PS Move controllers ($80), and Skyrim VR ($60).

Out of stock? Check for the bundle here for the slightly higher price of $350:

Other PSVR Deals to Consider

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Andrew Jakobs

    Well in NL the Gran turismo bundle including a camera is 249 euro’s..

  • disqus_i7baElrfvX

    The PSVR Skyrim Bundle is $274 through Dell after cash back. Includes the PSVR headset, PS camera, 2 Move controllers, and Skyrim VR. https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/7dl0ef/black_friday_playstation_vr_headset_and_bundle/dq9gz5a/

    • Dena

      Google is paying 97$ per hour,with weekly payouts.You can also avail this.
      On tuesday I got a great New Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $11752 this last four weeks..with-out any doubt it’s the most-comfortable job I have ever done .. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
      ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleNewNetJobsTeamOpportunities/earn/hourly ★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫:::::!da164luuuuu

    • DirkaDirk

      Yup, just got that deal myself

      • disqus_i7baElrfvX

        Sweet! They had said that the 15% cash back was supposed to expire yesterday, but it looks like they’ve extended it at least through Cyber Monday. Hopefully it’s around for a while. I think I want to pick up some games while I’m at it.

        • Elizabeth

          Google is paying 97$ per hour,with weekly payouts.You can also avail this.
          On tuesday I got a brand new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $11752 this last four weeks..with-out any doubt it’s the most-comfortable job I have ever done .. It Sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
          ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleLegitimateStuffJobsFromHomeJobs/get/hourly ★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫:::::fs300lhhhh

      • Shirley

        Google is paying 97$ per hour,with weekly payouts.You can also avail this.
        On tuesday I got a great New Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $11752 this last four weeks..with-out any doubt it’s the most-comfortable job I have ever done .. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
        ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleCashBlueCareerPartTimeJobs/get/hourly ★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫★★✫★✫:::::!da251luuuu

  • Mares Fillies

    Is the Doom bundle worth it?