Bethesda Talks ‘Fallout 4 VR’, New Gameplay Footage Revealed


The Fallout 4 VR hype machine is slowly ramping up to full speed, as the company today released a talk with the game’s Lead Producer Andrew Scharf about some of the finer points of retrofitting the entire game for VR headsets.

“Feeling like you’re physically in the world of Fallout 4 by playing in VR is an amazing experience,” says Scharf. “All the way up to the sad moment when you remove the headset and realize there is no V.A.T.S. in real life.”

One of the biggest changes is how the game addresses V.A.T.S., the game’s aiming system. In VR, it’s a bit different, as instead of entering a selection screen to determine your shot, you activate a sort of slow-motion mode that you can even move around in. “I keep saying, it’s like you’re Quicksilver from X-MEN,” Scharf said, explaining what it feels like to use V.A.T.S.

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Bethesda says in a blog post that Fallout 4 VR is to include all content from the base game “including hundreds of locations, characters and quests.”

The game, which is already available on Steam for pre-order for $60, is set to launch on the HTC Vive on December 12, 2017.

Make sure to check out our hands-on at E3 this year where we take a quick look at everything from inventory management to interacting with companions.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Zachary Scott Dickerson

    Already pre-ordered this for HTC VIVE, can’t wait to play it. Tired of all the never ending demos. Though fun, I would not want to play a single one of my VR games in 2D. This would be the first, and I avoided purchasing the 2D version for this reason. Now for that Skyrim PS4 exclusive to expire!

  • Simon Walmsley

    pfft..make a new fallout game rather than re-releasing older stuff..most people dont have vr sets

    • Alexisms

      You visited a VR site just to say that? Aw sweet.
      Most people don’t have Fallout either.

      • sfmike

        Probably can’t wait for VR to die so he can say “I told you it was a fad.”

        • yag

          My cousin tried VR and he was sick, VR is a meme

          • ehhh

            Maybe your cousin is a wuss? I’ve spent hours in it without feeling sick.

          • yag

            you’re a bit late, “guy-who-never-gets-it” :)

    • Make a new Fallout game n you get a short 5-9 hour experience(Short fallout experience that is) or make the recent Fallout a VR game.

      You do realize that they started working on fallout VR right after the release of Fallout 4 which means its as recent as it gets. It’s like porting Fallout to PC or GTA V to PC rather than make a new Fallout or GTA.

      Any new Fallout game released very soon especially for VR would jus be a short experience. Why settle for a short experience no one wants when you an have a long experience that folks are waiting for?

      Anyway, Fallout VR feels like a brand new game, anyway.

      • care package

        Exactly. The only way we’re getting AAA titles in VR is when VR is an afterthought or VR compatibility is included along side a regular release (Like Resident Evil 7)

    • Jason Mercieca

      Well some of us have managed to sacrifice our cash for vr hardware, it was not easy for me to spend £750 for the vive and another £500 for an evga 1070ftw, so well people making this sacrifice needs to be able to play vr games, so im glad that they are working on fallout4 vr, how ignorant can person be, only thinking about his own personal likes, what did u think the dev will only develop for you lol.

    • brandon9271

      Because this is much cheap to develop

    • NooYawker

      People that go to VR sites usually do have VR sets.

  • Tyriel

    I wish they were adding more “handing” and less “pointing”..

    • Martin Smith

      they could go that route if they went with rift support. vive controller doesn’t feel very “handy”

  • Glaubenskrieger

    Awesomeness overload

  • PJ

    Still no word on Oculus Rift support?

    I’m expecting it to work anyway, but having a Vive Wand showing up in game when I’m holding a Touch Controller really throws me off and breaks immersion and ruins the experience for me.

    I now of the legal dispute, so I’m not expecting Bethesda to sell it on the Oculus Home, but adding official support for the Oculus Touch I would of though would make business sense.

  • ShiftyInc

    Seeing how horrible Skyrim VR is in the demos, i am not expecting anything from Fallout either.

    • Well, it’s Skyrim VR made for a console, anyway.

      Their focus is more on Fallout it seems.

      Theres room for improvents and delays.

      Fallout looks way better.

  • Voodooray

    No Oculus Rift support? omg…

  • Peter Hansen

    VATS would be a wonderful application for eye tracking!

  • Luke

    My Oculus Bundle is ready! Can’t wait to play this game (if run)!

  • Terry

    Not sure about negative comments. I mean they could mess it up I suppose but to be honest… If the VR experience was nothing more than just the headset replacing the monitor then in theory it should be awesome! Think about it. Fallout 4 is a great game that makes you ‘forget reality’ and sort of delve into their universe. Until you happen to either look up or see the bathroom door with your peripheral vision. How can you be fully immersed looking at a flat monitor while all around it is your current surroundings? With the VR headset if you look up and see Fallout sky, look down and see Fallout ground etc, then the immersion feeling would be like normal Fallout X 100. How could it not be lol.

    The best would be if you could switch to keyboard / mouse if needed and just utilize the complete visual surrounding of the headset. But who knows the hand controls might be awesome too.