Elijah-FreemanI didn’t expect that a VR rock-climbing game that used neck thrusts as one of the primary locomotion mechanics would be as immersive or fun as it was, but I was really impressed with the level of immersion and presence that I felt while playing Crytek’s The Climb, which was recently released for the Oculus Rift.


There was something really satisfying to reaching the vista and enjoying the amazing view after climbing up the metaphoric and virtual mountain side. A lot of the game mechanics of a first-person rock climbing game translates really well to strengths of VR as a medium and provides an overall compelling and exhilarating experience. I had a chance to catch up with Crytek executive producer Elijah Freeman at the Oculus Game Days event at GDC to learn more about how they cultivated a sense of presence, evolved the gameplay, and got a lot of feedback from actual rock climbers who were a part of the production of the game.

Here’s a trailer from Oculus to promote The Climb & the Rift:

And here’s the launch trailer for The Climb

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Music: Fatality & Summer Trip

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  • RavnosCC

    Vive launch date? **I have not listened to this cast yet, but I will when given the chance, so if it’s covered in there, just let me know**

    • MasterElwood

      I played the climb on my Vive TODAY!

      REVIVE Baby!

      • Harald Heide Gundersen

        Been looking forward to both The Climb and Everest VR. Is the climb on public sale yet?? IF so could you please advice as to where??

  • Ghanth

    This beautifull game needs oculus touch, Vive compatibility with controlers and/or LeapMotion support to unleash its full potential.
    This is a shame the actual gameplay is restricted to gamepad only !! This situation shows how exclusive licencing can restrict proper VR development. A shamefull and dangerous commercial choise that is fragmenting the VR marquet for no result in the end. A loosing strategy. Sad.

    • MasterElwood

      I was thinking that too. BEFORE i played it. Now – about 2h in – i really think it´s better with a gamepad. I know this sound stupid – but after playing it – this IS the feeling i have…