image courtesy Uber Entertainment

‘Dino Frontier’ Launch Date and Gameplay Trailer Revealed

Uber Entertainment’s ‘second generation’ made-for-VR game Dino Frontier launches on August 1st for PSVR. Detailed in a new post on the PlayStation Blog, the game will be available digitally for $29.99, with a 20% pre-order discount for PlayStation Plus members.

Announced at last year’s PlayStation Experience event, this promising title, described as a “light simulation” rather than a full RTS, presents a novel mix of ‘Wild West and Jurassic eras’ from a tabletop VR vantage point. Forrest Smith, co-director of Dino Frontier says “We’ve strived to push the boundaries of VR interaction. There’s no other game like Dino Frontier. Reaching down into a vibrant world to pick up tiny people is a magical experience.”

The charming new trailer shows many of the core gameplay features, with the player assuming the role of Big Mayor, towering above the frontier settlement, directing settlers to gather resources, capture and train dinosaurs, as well as the motion controller integration and camera controls. Dino Frontier is Uber Entertainment’s second major VR title, building on the success of PSVR launch game Wayward Sky.

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