E3 2014: Palmer Luckey Introduces Super Hot For the Oculus Rift Then Flips Out

    Categories: E3 2014
Palmer Luckey, Founder of Oculus VR

Ever since Gametrailers revealed their schedule and keen eyed Oculus Rift fans spotted Palmer Luckey’s name in the line up speculation became rife that the founder of Oculus would be revealing something brand new for the VR Headset. In fact, he introduced the admittedly awesome, but hardly brand new, Super Hot – the off-the-wall action shooter that fiddles with causality that recently hit Kickstarter for funding.

But, in true Palmer style, the incorrigible VR geek flipped out for the camera in what can only be politely called a physical mini explosion. Of course, gif monkeys everywhere sprang into action and the residents of subreddit /r/oculus were treated to another mesmerising looping clip of the event. Enjoy the full force below and check out the SuperHot Kickstarter here. We’re hoping to speak to Oculus at E3 tomorrow and will report what else they have to say thereafter.

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