EA’s Frostbite Engine “Building a Small and Collaborative VR Team”

Frostbite, the Electronic Arts-produced game engine behind popular titles such as the Mirror’s Edge series and the Battlefield series, is looking to expand into virtual reality.

Johan Andersson, the technical director on Frostbite at EA DICE, recently tweeted out that the studio will be “building a small and collaborative VR team in Frostbite.”

Electronic Arts, one of the largest games publisher around, has yet to dip its toe into the VR deep end—but with their bid to add native VR support to their in-house game engine, that’s set to change.

Five positions have been made available on the Frostbite Stockholm website, each of which requires applicants to have been responsible for “developing one or many prominent [game] features and rendering techniques during your career and that you have experience from or are interested in adding the virtual reality piece to that.”

Here’s a list of the positions currently on offer at EA DICE:

  • Virtual Reality – Creative Director
  • Virtual Reality – Sr Technical Artist
  • Virtual Reality – Sr Rendering Engineer
  • Virtual Reality – Sr Gameplay Engineer
  • Virtual Reality – Sr Software Engineer

For now, the only game engines with native VR support are Unity, Unreal, and CryENGINE, but CAD software like Autodesk is also in the mix for direct Oculus Rift support.

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