EVE: Valkyrie Gameplay – 10 Player Footage From the Latest Pre-Alpha

We now know that EVE:Valkyrie will be packed-in with every retail Oculus Rift once that VR headset launches in Q1 2016. So what can you expect from the game? We’ve got some new gameplay of the latest pre-alpha in action to help answer that question.

We’ve got raw gameplay footage from our time with the game at a special event in London to announce the deal with Oculus. The setup was 10 PCs, 10 Oculus Rift CV1 engineering sample VR headsets and a bunch of journos going head to head in two modes.

We’ll have a full hands-on impressions piece up soon, but in the mean time my positive feelings towards EVE:Valkyrie, which have pervaded ever since I first got my hands on the title back at Gamescom 2013, where it was demo’d on Oculus HD Prototypes, had not waned. Seeing meat put on the bones of the multiplayer space shooter has convinced me that this is shaping up to be one of the finest early VR titles to appear next year.

See Also: Gamescom 2013: Hands On With EVE Valkyrie and the Oculus Rift HD Prototype

Thankfully, I don’t need to tell you that EVE:Valkyrie a ‘must have’ VR title. Firstly because without playing the full, completed product that would be disingenuous of me, but mainly because you’ll not have an option – every Oculus Rift sold will come with both an Xbox One controller and EVE:Valkyrie ready to go. Which means that on day one, there will pop up an instant community around this game, all sharing their experiences of this brand new entertainment platform for the first time.

See Also: EVE: Valkyrie Will Ship With Every Oculus Rift at Launch

The embedded video at the head of this page is raw gameplay from my time with the title in London this week. See if you can work out which player (the player tag is indicated in the top left) – hint: I’m the one actually looking around. The second video is official B-roll footage, included below – which give you a glimpse at some of the ship classes available in the game.


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