Exclusive: New P.O.L.L.E.N Gameplay Highlights Eerie Visuals and Intriguing Puzzles

POLLEN is an upcoming first-person sci-fi puzzle exploration game produced by Finland based Mindfield Games. Taking you to the far-off research station on the surface of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, you follow an ominous quest to explore a mysterious time-bending phenomenon that has taken hold of the space station. This exclusive new gameplay footage gives a short glimpse into the type of gameplay and atmosphere you can expect from the game when it arrives next year for virtual reality headsets.

Olli Sinerma, Co-founder of Mindfield Games, the studio behind POLLEN, give us a little insight into the gameplay footage.

“This video is raw unedited gameplay around 15-20 minutes from the beginning of P·O·L·L·E·N. The player has signed up his work contract with Rama Industries, left earth and just reached the safety of Research Station M’s airlock from the exoplanetary storm that is ravaging Titan,” he says. “The video shows one of the core elements in the game: Mystery. Everything you see in the environment is totally interactive, all the objects can be picked up and inspected. Every action uses natural motions to imitate the movement with mouse, gamepad and motion controllers. Many items have operatable features and some hold hidden actions – like the astronauts helmet, the same one we teased in our original trailer.”


Road to VR‘s Scott Hayden went hands-on with the game at Gamescom in August, and his short time with the game gave some clue as to the game’s unique atmosphere:

I got the very real sense that I was truly alone on Titan. Throughout the demo level, which covered the living quarters, hydroponics bay, common room, and airlock, there was a chilling sense that the little things of Pollen weren’t just items to be tossed about, but actually relics of a crew long passed.

Scott also sat down with Sinerma and Mindfield Games’ CEO Ville Kivistö to dig a little further into what makes POLLEN tick.

POLLEN is due for release some time in Q1 2016 for both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive VR headsets, and remains one of the most intriguing virtual reality titles we’ve come across. We can’t wait to see more and we’ll be sure to stay in touch with the developers to bring you the latest on the title’s development.

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