HTC today announced a new Vive hardware bundle featuring a free copy of Bethesda’s upcoming Fallout 4 VR, a VR port of the entire game that lets you haunt the Wasteland like never before.

Customers who purchase an HTC Vive starting today will now receive a free redemption code well ahead of Fallout 4 VR’s December 12th launch. Currently available for pre-order through Steam, the new Vive bundle represents a $60 savings.

The company currently offers a $600 bundle which includes the Vive headset, two wireless controllers, two base stations, link box, earbuds, and Vive accessories.

HTC says existing Vive customers who purchase Fallout 4 VR will also get a bit of a consolation prize with a free 3-month Viveport subscription, available prior to the game’s launch. Much like premium video services like Netflix, the subscription service lets you play any number of Viveport’s 250 games and experiences.

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According to a Steam survey, HTC Vive still holds a majority marketshare of the VR headsets in operation on Steam platform, although Oculus’ Summer of Rift Sale, which saw the Rift + Touch bundle slashed to just $400, has put a significant dent in the company’s overall marketplace supremacy. A bundle featuring one of a most-anticipated VR games in recent history could be instrumental in attracting new customers.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Luke

    which is it minimum requirements for fallout 4 vr? thx

    • NooYawker

      I would imagine if you can run VR you can run Fo4.

      • Luke

        I wish to know if 1060 is enough.

        • Raphael

          Reduced settings… might be ok.

        • Fenrisfil

          It would be nice to know what the minimum/recommended specs are. I got my VR in anticipation of this so didn’t want to risk 1060 not being enough and got a 1070. But hopefully you’ll be able to play it with a 1060 if with reduced settings. Wonder when they’ll actually give us the info.

          • Luke

            I got 1070 too only to play this game. (I got a preowned GPU).
            but now I hope this game will work with oculus rift! because if not it would be a nightmare.

          • Fenrisfil

            Good question. The main reason I went for the Vive over the Rift was to play that one safe. I’ve seen a few good games on Vive with bad feedback on steam from people using the Rift so I know it’s not always a certain. Good luck!

          • Luke


  • Max

    If it came with the knuckles controllers, I’d probably pull the trigger on this. (With a fancy electrotracked trigger finger;)

  • Well, after having lost a lot of market share, they needed to do something cool

    • Raphael

      Enraged jealous excluded octopus user?

      • Get Schwifty!

        LOL how is he “enraged” by making a point? The Vive/Valve chimera needed to do something to get some movement… like all things this is clearly a marketing move.

        By the way, the childish pejorative of “octopus” is getting a bit tired, especially when Vive with Google is anything fundamentally different in terms of leaching personal information and trying to control everything. Seriously, think about it.

        • Raphael

          Oh…sorry… i always forget i’m surrounded by couch industry experts here who always have specialist knowledge of vive and oculus movement.

    • NooYawker

      Not every company can cut their price and lose money on every sale just to bolster their user base. Most companies have to make profits from selling actual products. Facebook has a very different business model.

      • Get Schwifty!

        Welcome to the world of business; I mean that seriously. It’s not about “fair”… and in the end FB will most likely make profits from what is called an “investment”. Yes, Oculus is an investment which in turn will provide revenue and profits down the line, at least in theory.

        • NooYawker

          The reason Facebook bought oculus is the same reason they paid 19 billion for WhatsApp. Whether or not they produce a profit is irrelevant to FB. It’s just more data for their core business that produces billions. I never brought up yet question of fair, it’s a question if you want to be part of their business model.
          EDIT: Actually, HTC did get a sugar daddy, Google, and they have the same business model as FB. So I’m hoping there will be more players coming into the fray because I avoid both companies for a reason.

  • David Herrington

    OR they could just lower the price of their headset to become more competitive…

    • NooYawker

      If anyone did a little homework, it’s priced about the same as the Rift now. Considering you have to buy a third sensor and extra cables to complete room scale setup on the oculus.

      • Michael Davidson

        Many people don’t need the 3rd sensor for room scale, but with the added camera the cost is pretty close; however, a lot of people who are purchasing don’t do a lot of homework, they see $599 (+ tax around 50.00 USD) or $499 (+tax around USD 42) and go for the Rift. For the most part, they will be happy and don’t forget, to get the headphones that the Rift has is an additional $99 (+tax around USD 8). When you look at it that way, the Rift is going to win. It plays both SteamVR and Oculus Home titles.

        • Raphael

          Headphones? Most gamers have headphones. Why would i buy headphones for vive?

          • Michael Davidson

            Ergonomics and ease of use. The Vive Audio Strap makes using the Vive extremely easy. Remember a good set of wireless headphones are around $79 to $99. Not everyone has a pair and the hooking a wired pair up, well, sucks. Disclaimer* I own a Rift and a Vive.

        • Fenrisfil

          Though with ReVive Vive players can also play Rift games and there are still too few players of VR for it to be really worth decent games not releasing across both platforms. By the time there are enough VR players for someone to “Win” there will be more competition on the ground anyway and we’ll probably be looking at the next generation of headsets. So really all this “Win/Loss” nonsense is pointless bickering.

  • Mei Ling

    Things aren’t looking good for HTC Vive especially as the Oculus Rift is steadily gaining ground.

    • Raphael

      Thanks for your thrilling but utterly pointless worthless opinion.

      • Mei Ling

        And thank you for pointlessly highlighting my “utterly pointless worthless opinion”.

        • Raphael

          You’re very welcome flappy.

    • Andres Velasco

      Nice sentiment Mei Ling

    • NooYawker

      Well not every company can have a sugar daddy like Facebook who doesn’t derive profits from sales.

    • GigaSora

      Things are looking extremely good for the Vive. They have a sugar daddy now – Google. Now its a big dick swinging contest between Facebook and Google. Should be good.

      • PrymeFactor

        Google has nothing to do with the Vive, sorry.

        • CHRIS

          google is planing of purchasing vr division of htc.

        • GigaSora

          Besides buying HTC, who owns Vive.

          • PrymeFactor

            They bought portions of HTC’s mobile team. Not the Vive division

          • GigaSora

            Oh. Looks like you’re right. Thats disappointing. Vive is still fooked then.

    • Get Schwifty!

      I’d disagree things aren’t looking good for HTC Vive or Oculus, but do you actually have numbers to back up that assertion?

  • All I see are testy folks making excuses for why this is happening rather than jus being happy for VR.

    This is a damn good way to get people into VR. Worse than summer Rift sale, but still good.

    Rift has a wide range of exclusives(playable on Vive), anyway.

    • Raphael

      He does seem rather bitter dunt he? I agree. You can detect the desperation in his words… he wants to convince himself and everyone that fallout 4 vr is a disaster.

  • ShiftyInc

    Seeing that i have yet to see anything positive from press people who have played it already, and if Skyrim VR is anything to go by, this will be a total mess of a game in VR. Plus on top of that you have to fork out another $60 on it. No thanks.

  • RationalThought

    Ouch… the people that paid full price for the Vive will now have to pay 60 bucks for Fallout VR? They should have made it free for all like Robo Recall……but at least the are doing something I guess.