gamescom-2013-featuredIt’s hard to believe it’s been 12 months since we last headed to the epic Koelnmesse Conference venue in Cologne, Germany to attend Europe’s biggest gaming event, Gamescom. Last year’s highlights included witnessing the Oculus Rift HD Prototype, EVE: Valkyrie, and an early Cyberith Virtualizer. Well, we’re doing it all over again this year—what exciting VR news will we see? I’ll be there to find out.

Gamescom 2014 Promises All Time High Virtual Reality Presence

The Oculus Rift DK2 and positional tracker.

It seems that a year is a long time in the virtual reality industry. In 12 short months since Gamescom 2013, we’ve witnessed Oculus VRs meteoric rise from young startup to Facebook’s billion dollar tech darling, Sony finally announcing Project Morpheus and Oculus’ 2nd development kit ship to developers around the world in huge numbers. VR’s momentum shows no signs of slowing.

This year’s Gamescom promises to demonstrate VR’s continuing maturation from tech curiosity to mainstream gaming platform. As with the E3 Expo back in May, Gamescom will likely feature a heavy focus on virtual reality content rather than hardware. E3 saw Oculus and Sony push the possibilities of their platforms with enticing new experiences. Oculus challenged the view that all VR content must be first person by debuting luckys-taletheir self-published 3D platformer Lucky’s Tale and showed just how terrifyingly immersive VR gaming could be with the Alien: Isolation demo. Sony likewise pushed boundaries with their innovative Street Luge experience whilst continuing to highlight their commitment to VR as a gaming platform.

Sony’s Project Morpheus headset.

This year, Oculus VR has a sizeable presence on the public show floor. Their 2013 booth was inundated with interest and people came away impressed. Its expected that the new DK2 will dominate their booth, providing the first glimpse of Oculus’ new hardware to Euro-gamers not lucky enough to have received one themselves. Oculus like to change it up in terms of content from show to show, but expect Lucky’s Tale to make an appearance. If past form is anything to go by, there’ll be at least a couple of new titles on display, but we won’t know for sure until the doors open. It seems unlikely that Oculus will want to divert attention away from the DK2 or the focus on games so new hardware announcements seem unlikely at this stage.

This Free 'Halo: Combat Evolved' PC Mod Brings VR Support to the OG of Shooters

Project Morpheus, Sony’s VR Headset for the PS4, has impressed at every showing since its unveiling at GDC 2014 in March. It seems Sony is onto a winning combination by reinventing its excellent PlaySation Move controller as a VR input device. Thus far though, with the exception of EVE: Valkyrie, its content has been limited to tech demos, albeit good ones. So perhaps Gamescom 2014 will be the show Sony use to announce some fully-fledged made-for-VR titles at its press conference scheduled for 7pm (CET) on August 12th.

Ben Lang tries Street Luge on Sony’s Project Morpheus at E3 2014

Up to now, Sony have been coy about its intentions for Morpheus, seemingly testing the waters to see if this potentially groundbreaking (and potentially costly should it not pan out) device would be accepted by the general public. No release date has yet been announced for Project Morpheus, in fact Sony have never even stated that it’d see the light of day at all—but given the sheer weight of PR muscle they’ve thrown behind getting the Morpheus ‘out there’, it seems likely it will—and possibly sooner rather than later.

Aside from the big industry hitters, we’re also hoping to catchup with the Cyberith team as they demonstrate their latest prototype omnidirectional treadmill known as the Virtualiser, riding high after their recent Kickstarter success. CCP games will be there with EVE: Valkyrie, now one of the first titles to be demo’d running on both Oculus and Sony’s VR Headsets.

Finally, at the official Gamescom awards, virtual reality related devices dominate the ‘Best Hardware’ category, where it’s a 3-way shootout between the Oculus Rift, Sony’s Morpheus and Cyberith’s Virtualizer—if that’s not an indication that VR has arrived, I don’t know what is.

'Demeo' Studio Announces Official Dungeons & Dragons Version of Hit VR Tabletop Strategy Game

Showing Something VR Related at Gamescom? We’d Love to Hear From You.

We’re always on the look out for cool new VR related projects, so if you’d like to talk to us about yours while at the show drop us a line to or tweet us at @rtovr and we’ll do our best to line up a meeting.


Gamescom is open to Press on August 13th and for everyone August 14th-17th. Some 350,000 people are expected to attend.

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Based in the UK, Paul has been immersed in interactive entertainment for the best part of 27 years and has followed advances in gaming with a passionate fervour. His obsession with graphical fidelity over the years has had him branded a ‘graphics whore’ (which he views as the highest compliment) more than once and he holds a particular candle for the dream of the ultimate immersive gaming experience. Having followed and been disappointed by the original VR explosion of the 90s, he then founded to follow the new and exciting prospect of the rebirth of VR in products like the Oculus Rift. Paul joined forces with Ben to help build the new Road to VR in preparation for what he sees as VR’s coming of age over the next few years.