Hands-on: Oculus’ Wireless ‘Santa Cruz’ Prototype Makes Standalone Room-scale Tracking a Reality


On stage at Oculus Connect 2016, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg teased that Oculus is developing a new, standalone, wireless VR headset with inside-out positional tracking. Following the keynote, I was whisked away behind closed doors to see the so-called ‘Santa Cruz’ prototype in action.


A big “NO CAMERAS” sign is not something that I usually see as a member of press, yet it’s the first thing that greeted me after I was hurried through a nondescript pair of doors at the San Jose Convention Center.

Inside the doors, and next to the “NO CAMERAS” sign was another door set against a blank, black facade; a room within a room. Up to this point I hadn’t even been told what I was about to see. So I was a little confused upon entering the second door to find a brightly lit, carpeted, and perfectly kept living room that looked like something out of a swanky San Francisco apartment.

Inside were two men, both members of Oculus’ computer vision team, holding what looked like a Rift headset that had an unfamiliar faceplate and a growth coming out of the back, not to mention a lack of any wire stretching to a nearby PC, as all other Rifts have.


This was Oculus’ Santa Cruz prototype, a ‘feature prototype’ demonstrating, for the first time, the company’s inside-out tracking technology.

As I noted in a recent article, robust inside-out positional tracking is a huge technical hurdle, and would be a game changer for both virtual reality and augmented reality.

HoloLens Inside-out Tracking Is Game Changing for AR & VR, and No One Is Talking about It

Microsoft has made huge strides in this department with HoloLens, and now Oculus is demonstrating a fully self-contained wire-free VR headset prototype with positively impressive room-scale inside-out tracking.




I may not have been able to take pictures of the headset, but we did see it briefly in a video during the Connect keynote that happened just before (which is where the photos of the unit in this article come from).

The Santa Cruz prototype is a modified Oculus Rift which has on-board compute, display, and tracking. The bump in the rear of the headset houses the battery and the tiny computer powering the visuals, audio, and tracking. The unfamiliar faceplace has a chamfered bezel with small camera lenses protruding at each of the four corners.

oculus-santa-cruz-prototype-5I pulled the headset over my eyes and was standing on a metal platform of about 10×12 feet with a railing surrounding it. The Oculus computer vision developers showing me the demo encouraged me to walk around the space. As I did, the headset seemed to track me perfectly as I moved through the real and virtual rooms; it felt almost exactly like the quality tracking you would expect from Oculus’ outside-in Rift solution.

When I approached the edges of the metal platform a blue grid representing my real-world boundary appeared in front of me. So long as I didn’t pass through the grid, I didn’t risk bumping into any of the furniture or walls of the real room.

My view of the metal platform faded away to black and then a new scene of a cartoon town made from construction paper faded into view. I walked around the entire space that was available to me, shook my head rapidly, and twisted it back and forth in an effort to try to get the tracking to hitch, but it refused.

Intel Reveals Project Alloy, an All-in-one VR Headset With Mobile Positional Tracking

Onto the next scene, I became more confident in the tracking and started to move around a little faster, quickly forgetting about the room around me and being able to not worry about bumping into anything thanks to the safety of the grid. I moved in close to walls and objects to stare at them and see if I could detect any jitter but saw almost nothing. At this point, I decided to see how the system would handle things if I jumped into the air, but that didn’t phase it either.

The only times I was able to get the system to show a bit of jitter was when I knelt down and put my head about a foot from the floor, staring straight down at it. Here I was able to detect a bit of jitter when I held my head still and stared carefully at the ground, but not only was not very small, it’s a situation that’s unlikely to happen in the course of normal gameplay. When I stood back up, the tracking returned immediately to it’s seemingly perfect performance.


When it comes to VR, Oculus’ Santa Cruz prototype is easily the best I’ve ever seen. In my short time with it, it appeared even better than PlayStation VR’s outside-in tracking, and nearly as good as the high-performance tethered Rift solution.


The Oculus computer vision developers who were showing me the demo had their lips mostly sealed, but from what I could infer, the headset’s four cameras and onboard IMU are responsible for all of the tracking data. They didn’t want to say much about how it works, but they at least confirmed that it wasn’t using any tricks like pre-mapping or cleverly hidden fiducial markers (in the form of the paintings on the wall, for instance).

One thing I noted about the demo space was that there were no windows or mirrors. So while the room was set up to mimic a common room in someone’s home (to simulate what the system might have to work with in such an environment), we didn’t get to see what impact glass/mirrors might have on it, which introduces reflections and opens the door (or perhaps window) to high contrast regions from direct sunlight, both of which are common challenges for tracking systems (both inside-out and outside-in).

The solution is undoubtedly impressive, and potentially a breakthrough for inside-out VR/AR tracking if it the tech can hit the right price point. Other than simply showing it in action to a few people behind closed doors, Oculus is saying little about the Santa Cruz prototype, and hasn’t given any indication as to when we might see the system productized, or at what price. However, the fact that the company is showing it off suggests a mobile standalone VR headset is definitely on the roadmap.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • VRgameDevGirl

    Wow! This sounds awesome. I hope HTC does something like this!!

    • Get Schwifty!

      I’m sure they will, they and Oculus are pretty much mirroring what the other is doing it seems.

      • Marc

        … Except the Oculus Touch controller shits all over the Vives wands…

        • polysix

          and PSVR’s ergonomics, screen quality,ease of use and esp lenses shits all over Vive and Rift. You win some you lose some. I’ve had Vive, DK2 and tried rift, none of them are there yet. PSVR is the closest to being a decent product for the money, the others still feel like friggin dev kits.

          GIve me GEN 2 PC VR already, I may even reverse my “no facebook” policy if Oculus can actually design a HMD worth a damn (take a leaf from Sony’s comfort/lens/RGB screen book) but combine it with their touch controllers and powerful PCs then perhaps I can start to take them seriously again after all their lies and u-turns of the past 18 months or so.

          • Bob

            You think Facebook will just rest on their laurels with the CV1? Obviously not. It’s Facebook we’re talking about. They’re already working on the next iteration for their tethered solution but this one is an isolated project designed to be ahead of the competition.

          • mirak


          • ShiftyInc

            If only the tracking wasn’t as bad on PSVR.

          • Buddydudeguy

            ” PSVR’s ergonomics, screen quality,ease of use and esp lenses shits all over Vive and Rift” as long as the HMD is powered by a console it doesn’t even matter. The HMD might be amazballs but the platform is inferior. Not to mention it’s strictly standing/sitting VR. Can’t even do 360 let alone room scale.

            And wtf is up with the PSVRs tracking.

          • Akeydel

            I think that was the point, actually.
            PSVR wins out on ergonomics, Vive wins out on roomscale (so far at least) and Oculus wins out on… games?
            something like that.

          • Get Schwifty!

            Controllers man, come on … do I gotta get out my shock stick to help you remember or what… :)

          • Get Schwifty!

            Wow a headset worth a damn? Basically you don’t like anything less than 4k based on your post below. Now, considering that PCs themselves can barely do effective 4K (A 2016 Titan X barely hits 60 FPS depending on the title), you are just being unrealistic at this stage.

            It’s cool to have an opinion, and be contrarian to a point, but your insistence’s are just in the field of fairy-tale land right now. I honestly doubt Oculus gives a damn whether you change your policy, they will have quite a few other happy customers while you sulk about with your flat screen experience in the meantime.

          • VRgameDevGirl

            Are you kidding!? I tried psvr and it barley had the quality of dk2. Vive and rift blew it away. Even gearvr had better dispay. It had bad motion blur type thing when you look around to. Not smooth like the others. It made me sick.

          • palasta .

            Next time you try PS VR, adjust it correctly.

            It is clearly above DK2 and SD isnt as visible as in Vive and Rift. And as long as there is SD as present as in Vive/Rift speaking off blowing any competitors out of the water (except for google cardboard maybe) is perposterous.

          • VRgameDevGirl

            It was being demoed at best buy. And we not allowed to mess with it. They put it on us. But i doubt that the motion blur was caused by that. It was very nauseating. But i can tell yoy that psvr is not better or as good as vive and rift. I mean, one is ran by a ps4 and the other 2 by high end pc and graphics that Dont fake 90hz

          • palasta .

            I didn’t say PSVR is as good or better as Rift/Vive. But blew it away? No chance missy. And it doesn’t matter how many high end graphics cards. It is still 90hz, 110° FOV, faulty ergonomics and a screen door effect that can’t be missed. What’s StarVR then? Next century technology from a future dimension? 5k, 210°, that would be “blowing away”.

        • Get Schwifty!

          I agree ;) OTOH, Vive has a bit better tracking, so it’s a trade-off. FWIW, I decided on Oculus due to the better ergonomics, both with the Touch and the HMD. Tracking is a bit more of a headache but that’s more due to the design of the controllers; Touch has more occlusion possibility if you hold it close to the chest, while the wand/ring design is better at tracking since its harder to occlude the ring. If you go the four camera route that Oculus allows, you all but remove the tracking difference.

    • brandon9271

      If something like this could stream video from a full blown gaming rig than count me in.. If it’s just going to be a glorified GearVR then I’m not all that interested. :-/

      • Well picture the GearVR with positional tracking. That would make it ALOT more like a true VR headset, and alot less like a Google Cardboard clone. I think it would be a very worthwhile upgrade.

        • polysix

          still woefully under-powered for anything remotely interesting.

          • I like rich visuals as much as the next man, but I think we’ve all seen very graphically sparse VR games that were impressive.

          • Niklas Persson

            I have over 150 hours of Pavlov under my belt now! And it really takes a while to find the gems. But i agree, the amount of shit the gold diggers pour out is horrible!

        • Agreed… affordable positional tracking for the masses will be another step in making VR the success so many hope/assume it will become…. Dread halls was very nearly as scary on a Gear Vr as it was on the DK2… then as for the Brookhaven experiment on the Vive… well lets just say I spend more time in Tilt brush now…

    • Wez Blampied

      wasnt there something about QuarkVR having a wireless soultion ready before xmas for Vive?

    • byron blackmore

      They kind of already are. There are backpack systems that are for sale right now that will let you use a use a Vive without wires.

      • Unfortunately, until it’s part of the core offering, no one will be building experiences for it.

        • byron blackmore

          Actually there’s quite a few experiences available right now that take advantage of room-scale and tracked controllers.

          • I agree. I also think that untethered systems will have a larger and more fundamental impact on VR experience design.

        • Andrew Jakobs

          But the experiences will only be available for people with actual large scale rooms, which will only be a very few people, not worth the investment it requires unless it’s part of an amusement park type of thing..

          • It’s a good point, but I don’t think we know yet what the optimal minimal untethered room size will be.

      • VRgameDevGirl

        Lol that’s totally different than what this is though. I already built a PC and won’t be buying a new one in a back pack. Putting on and taking off a back pack when doing game design….. Its already a pain to run over, put on the headset for a few seconds to test something, take it off, run back to the computer, enter some code, try again…like 50 times a day….Nope. Not doing that with a back pack on.

        • byron blackmore

          It’s the same concept though. You could put a tiny computer on there too. And you can do it right now. The Facebook thing is just a prototype.

  • Sounds like a replacement for the GearVR. I’m very interested! Now how about some hand tracking, really bring this all together!

  • Did anyone get a chance to find out what SOC was powering it? What OS is being used , as well as the resolution of the display? I have my suspicions, but reserve feedback until tomorrow morning on “3D in Review.” I would also be very surprised if these are standard RGB cameras but I do remember them buying a couple of companies – Nimble and 13th Lab, which very well be the results of their combined efforts.

    • benz145

      They were being very coy about it. It seems fairly certain it’s a mobile SOC, probably running Android if I had to guess.

      • Thanks, I wish I could say more about my hunch, but then I would being saying too much on our end. But I noticed a few ports on the side so I am thinking this is a development board, and I have a hunch which one. If this is the case there could be whole lot more to this story, and not all of it good.

  • Mateusz

    Another breakthrough in such a short period ^ ^

  • polysix

    Pat on the back for the tech, this will come to serve eventual wireless PC – served HMDS sometime down the road, and of course can be deployed to GearVR type scenarios in the meantime (of which I couldn’t care less as Gear VR is nerfed VR even if it did finally have positional tracking).

    What we need is this tech put in the wired PC HMDs to rid us of any need for sensors/cameras (doubt that will happen as facebook will eventually like to read your emotions with the cameras to target better adverts at you). As an enhanced gear VR type thing? meh. the power in the “computer” part just isn’t enough to make anything compelling or long lasting in VR. PSVR still shits over this because of *CONTENT*, fun, lasting content (esp once PS4 proPSVR combo takes a hold as the VR standard for mainstream VR). It is however another cool breakthrough for VR, now we just need foveated rendering and wireless + 4k screens and we might be getting somewhere, sadly Abrash’s talk yet again put the dampener on that.

    • Get Schwifty!

      Do you seriously think they won’t leverage this technology for the highest end Rift connected to a PC? Maybe the move to use cameras and a road map to put them in the headset was the plan all along (it sure looks like it) and maybe why they weren’t so nuts over the whole room scale question at this point. While all the Vive fanboys were crapping on them making comments like they couldn’t even do room scale they pull this rabbit out…

      It is a bit humorous to see you rave on about PSVR which is a kind of the bottom barrel experience next to the Rift and Vive, visually and in terms of controller ergonomics and tracking at this point.. You’re kidding yourself if you think PSVR will define the standard for VR, maybe for console gamers such as yourself but as always the better experience can be had on the PC side. The HMD design probably will be adopted in one form or the other, but nothing else except that for all that FUN CONTENT, which if it’s a decent AAA title will undoubtedly be ported to the Rift and Vive and probably even OSVR. Looking at the prices of 4k technology in general still, its unlikely we will see that level for probably another four years.

      FWIW, I plan on picking up a whole PSVR kit, to live alongside a full Oculus setup, so its not like I don’t think its a good product, but you are comparing apples and oranges here a bit.

      This is all Gen 1 commercial tech don’t forget ;) I seriously doubt anyone including Oculus really cares if you stick with flat screens for the next four years, the rest of us will be enjoying VR as it is commercially possible and available today.

      • Akeydel

        okay, we’ve got the PSVR fanboy, the Oculus fanboy, i guess i’ll jump onto the Vive here

      • David Herrington

        I’m super confused about who you are rooting for. You just said, “The best comment here yet….” in reference to Oculus detaching from the PC entirely and becoming a console.

        And now under this post you demean all consoles and say PC’s are best, “maybe for console gamers such as yourself but as always the better experience can be had on the PC side.”

        But then you say you will probably get PSVR???????? Make up your mind, man.

        The kicker is this:

        “You’re kidding yourself if you think PSVR will define the standard for VR,”

        ^————– This is interesting. Because even though a standard is about quality, it is worthless without adoption. If PSVR sells HALF of what people think it will, then it will outsell Oculus and Vive combined…. by the end of the year. http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2016/10/04/psvr-sales-superdata-playstation-vr/

        Despite the lower tech, who would the people say is the VR standard then?

        • Get Schwifty!

          Not demeaning consoles in the least, but the will probably be third rung up from the bottom (Google Cardboard stuff first rung, then Gear level second). Above the Consoles sits more prime VR experiences like the Vive and Rift (fourth tier) then an emerging fifth tier with HMDs like Starbreeze, etc.

          I have a Rift, I plan on getting a Sony PSVR as well to share with my son. No reason I cant have both but I am not going to believe for a minute the PSVR with its limited display and truly wobbly tracking is going to set the real standard for VR experiences.

          • David Herrington

            I’m not sure you get what I mean… I agree with your assumption of placing console VR in the middle but what about the super expensive HMD that has 220deg POV with 10K resolution and costs $100,000. Should this ultra HMD “set the bar” and the standard for quality? Or will no one ever care about this ultra high cost status symbol because they don’t have access to it?
            My point is this, its not always about quality, but also access and adoption. If only 8% of all VR purchasers buy a Rift or Vive while 50% own a PSVR then the layman will set the PSVR as the “standard” because that’s what most people own.

          • Get Schwifty!

            A fair question, and I think it is answered (to me at least) by the cross section of users having access and the quality of the experience that drives demand. Clearly tier one won’t, its like an appetizer experience at best. Tier two (Sony PSVR currently) will get a lot of folks, but I am concerned that it isn’t a quality enough experience to set a real consumer bar, a lot of folks are going to be disappointed over time with them I suspect. The Vive and Rift probably fall closest to a quality VR experience while setting the average in the market overall. There’s a reason that people keep questioning the PSVR related to the Vive and Rift…

            Now if there is a second and third PSVR, then I think they will effectively set the bar, but not this first go round. And I could be wrong, I actually hope I am and the quality experience is enough to drive demand for VR.

            On the 100,000 units, I guess you could say there is a higher tier then, but lets face it how many people have access to it, maybe .05% of the populace on the planet?

          • David Herrington

            I agree with you somewhat. So we both agree that the lower tier of Cardboard isn’t high enough quality, and that the ultra expensive tier (e.g. Starbreeze and the like) is not accessible enough to be a standard.

            So we have a middle tier which is populated with Vive, Rift, and PSVR. The fact that people are legitimately comparing PSVR to the other High-End HMD’s places it alongside them regardless of what Vive and Rift owners want. The only way that PSVR does not belong in being compared is if the quality of PSVR is so bad that it cannot be compared. I however have tried a PSVR and can see plainly that the quality is good enough. Now, I am just one person, and only time and opinion of the people will decide if it is “good enough” but if the quality is deemed good enough for high quality VR then it will set the standard.

  • David Herrington

    So this will be a totally separate entity from PC powered Rift? Meaning not using same content? If so, it appears that would really segment their store content in a bad way. Apple can offer 1 app store for all their handhelds because they operate similarly, but this isn’t possible here due to such a large gap in performance hardware. I have no idea where they are going with this.

    • Doctor Bambi

      It would more than likely tap into the GearVR version of Oculus Home. But yes, a weird step child for sure. I’m not really sure who this would appeal to.

  • Facts

    This seem more practical i would buy this. when i think of vr this what i think of,the wire and camera tracking stuff was so gimicky and not practical at all i just don’t plan on buying a bigger house so i can do outside in vr position tracking i just don’t have the space to set up such thing

  • Fret

    Time and time again I get surprised how fast VR is evolving

  • Oculus has been telling us for a while now that they see themselves as a platform and not a peripheral. If they can untether the system from a PC they’ll be one giant step closer to that goal.

    • Get Schwifty!

      The best comment here yet….

    • Bob

      They will eventually reach that goal within the next half decade provided they are still in business and the VR hype continues to ride along smoothly.

    • David Herrington

      Holy crap, this is the first I have heard someone say this, and it really scares me because I think you may be right…. What about all of us who bought a new PC just for Oculus VR?????? I bought this PC as a VR investment. Not something that I will throw away next year. If Oculus is untethering from PC’s altogether, you can count me out.

      • I don’t think you’ll have to worry about Oculus dropping PC support during the life-span of your current machine. And since untethered hardware is going to necessarily mean lower processing power, it may actually mean that lower-end system specs will be supported for a longer period of time.

    • OgreTactics

      That would be stupid as fuck. Tell me about that last platform that tried to compete with established ones like iOSX/Android/Windows/Playstation and succeeded?

      That’s right, NONE

      • It’s not just about competition. Facebook has done a pretty good job of setting up a new platform, and so has Snapchat and even Netflix. Sure, these are media focused, so they aren’t directly competing with the operating systems you listed above, but FB is eventually going to want to be more than just an app. Doing it via a new medium (like VR) makes a lot more sense than competing directly.

        • OgreTactics

          It’s not just about the platform but the medium. You are comparing multi-platform stuff like Netflix, Spotify, Chrome…and mobile platforms like Snapchat, Insta, Peach…with VR. But VR is the absolute opposite of these platform in cognitive used: it’s not nano-contents and videos happening on screens, it Virtual Environment that take time to be experienced.

          Making a licenced, closed platform for VR, in it’s current state and even though it lacks quality contents is a non-sense.

          And most importantly, Netflix can be launched at the touch of a remote or shortcut, Snapchat at the touch of screen but getting your phone out of your pocket, VR still has a problem in its ergonomics.

  • STW

    With faster internet, and the headset just streaming video, soon I won’t need a big stupid computer to power everything.

    • Get Schwifty!

      Yup…. but better hope that Internet connection never dies :)

  • Get Schwifty!

    I just have to throw this in…. after months of nothing but jibes about room scale directed at Oculus the Vive fanboy contingent is strangely quiet…. come on, please, someone make a douche-bag comment about room scale VR….. just for old times sake….

    • Kyle Biggs

      Well, here it goes:
      “Sorry, I can’t hear your comment over how much fun I’m having using my room-space VR hardware that is both real, released already, and part of the original system. Enjoy paying extra for a feature that should have been in day-one.”

      In all seriousness, I hope they keep at it. If they can turn this into a video link to a full PC, it’ll be the next major step we’ve all been waiting for. Oculus may have fumbled Gen 1 VR, but they have a chance to make Gen 2 really shine.

    • Akeydel

      FOUR cameras?! what a joke, plus the additional cost puts the total NEARLY $80 ABOVE THE VIVE cmon thats insanely expensive honestly forreal

      • Get Schwifty!

        LOL – good one – I guess the folks that could barely scrape the cash for a Vive together that extra $79.00 would mean going hungry at Xmas :)

        Not making fun of people with limited means, or worse going hungry, but to hear the trash talk surrounding an extra optional $79.00 and USB cabling (boo hoo) for a potentially better experience….

    • Matthew Page

      If being a touch better than vive is what we can expect for the cv2, then I’m even more excited about the vive 2.

      I used to be really into the Oculus. Even bought a DK2. Then Facebook bought it and Linux support was dropped, as well as the whole ‘we want to be the android of VR’ thing. That’s vive now because, well, the awesomeness of openvr. Steam doesn’t monopolize VR like Facebutt is trying to. Palmer said that users would be able to use other headsets with the Oculus store, but then they tried making the oculus headset required for that too. Not sure what happened to Palmer. He used to be an awesome symbol.

      Anyways. Keep rooting for the assholes who prefer control over innovation, and money over allowing actual ownership of an item/software. Super Rick like lol (not!).

  • user

    google has shown a prototype with inside out tracking years ago. im surprised that people are excited about a prototype now.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      This one actually works without having big markers on walls, and it seems the latency is very low. Also it’s not only the inside out tracking that makes this prototype interesting, it’s the fact this headset is completely wireless..

      • user

        so no difference to google’s tango

        • benz145

          The world is not black and white.

          This system seems to be more reliable, accurate, and fast than Tango. Tango, especially in earlier forms, doesn’t quite cut it for VR tracking.

          • user

            How do you compare both systems to make this statement? in the review on uploadvr they mention a glitch that happened during a short walk from one end of the room to the other end and back. The verge mentions a slight swimming effect. Santa cruz was shown in only one room, right? The big difference now is that the new qualcomm chips can compute the sensor data better than the old socs which were used when tango was shown 2 years ago.

  • Rustem Akhunov

    Looks great. But we still need a propper wireless controller. Will they use an optical system to track hands?

    • Andrew Jakobs

      If the tracking is possible for the headset, it might also be possible to use a simplified version for the controls..

      • Bob

        The problem with using your hands as the only input without anything else means you don’t feel any sensation of touching an object within the virtual world because there is nothing available to induce haptic/force feedback. So for this reason the Oculus Touch is here to stay and it will continue to be used as their flagship input solution bearing in mind that over the years the form and function of the Touch will continuously be improved and changed. One wonders when all of that has been sorted how will they tackle 1:1 locomotion without the use of teleportation and other current workarounds?

      • Rustem Akhunov

        We’ve been using leap motion for several mouths. It has a narrow FOV range. Sure, it quite enough for some simple experiences. But not for complicated ones, that were demonstrated on-scene.
        Hope those 4 sensors will change the situation with optical systems dramatically.

  • 144Hz

    I hope they make it comfortable to wear like the PSVR.

  • Sponge Bob

    This is a marketing gimmick

    So they developed an inside-out room-scale positional tracking based on just visuals from 4(!) onboard cameras ?
    And this whole real-time image processing unit is housed behind users’s head combined with hi-res rendering engine (no fans for cooling ?)
    Christ almighty!

    For starters, I suggest making room a little roomier, and lowering the lights, and removing all furniture and decorations, and putting fresh coat of paint on all walls…
    Then see how this magical inside-out visual tracking from Oculus performs…

    • user

      fans for cooling a snapdragon 820 (probably)?
      from what ive read, it is currently not possible to make any changes to the room because the prototype cannot make a new map with reference points. the prototype doesnt work anywhere but in this one room.

  • TinyRick
  • OgreTactics

    Yeah, nope, tired of this loser market. See you in 2 years when the first actual iteration of a Virtual Headset comes out, or the whole market has fallen into the oblivion of another fad gadget for the vast majority of people…

  • Jomama Omyballs

    Can it still connect to the computer, or are they making it it’s own console?

  • JustNiz

    Unless you’re happy just playing crap android-quality games forever, this is bullshit. Some little dongle thing is never going to replace my PC which needs a Pascal Titan X and an i7 6700k to play games like Elite dangerous at high end settings.