The HTC Vive VR system is due to go up for pre-order tomorrow (29th February) and we know the US launch price is going to be $799. But what can the rest of the world expect to pay for the new Valve engineered, SteamVR system? A reported leak from HTC’s own website appears to reveal all.

Tomorrow, the 29th February at 10am Eastern (7am PST / 3pm GMT), HTC’s Vive will become available for pre-order around the world. But those residing in regions other than North America were left wondering how much they’d be expected to shell out for the Valve-engineered VR system, after HTC revealed the US price as $799 exclusive of taxes.


Update: HTC just confirmed the prices shown here via a blog post detailing european HTC Vive prices.

Now, thanks to what appears to have been a leak from HTC’s own website, we may have a good idea what non US citizens will have to pay. The full price breakdown and original image is below, but broadly those in Europe can expect to pay €899 the UK price coming in at £689 (both including VAT). The image was quickly pulled from HTC’s site, but not before Reddit users made backups.

The prices listed (with the exception of US and Canada) include local taxes but do not include shipping. Given HTC’s size and experience in worldwide shipping however, it’d be a surprise if individual countries didn’t receive their own local distribution i.e. we’re not expecting units bought in Europe to ship from the US, increasing shipping costs.

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Although not confirmed as official figures, HTC have told us that worldwide pricing would use the officially announced US price as a base. On that basis, this pricing table looks to align pretty well with expectations.

What do you get for your money? The highlights are 1 Vive VR Headset, 2 SteamVR laser base stations, 2 SteamVR controllers and the games Job Simulator: The 2050 Archives and Fantastic Contraption.

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Based in the UK, Paul has been immersed in interactive entertainment for the best part of 27 years and has followed advances in gaming with a passionate fervour. His obsession with graphical fidelity over the years has had him branded a ‘graphics whore’ (which he views as the highest compliment) more than once and he holds a particular candle for the dream of the ultimate immersive gaming experience. Having followed and been disappointed by the original VR explosion of the 90s, he then founded to follow the new and exciting prospect of the rebirth of VR in products like the Oculus Rift. Paul joined forces with Ben to help build the new Road to VR in preparation for what he sees as VR’s coming of age over the next few years.
  • AuxPlumes

    899€, what a relief, I won’t have regrets with my Oculus purchase : ]

    • Andrew Jakobs

      To be honest, 741 euro (including shipping) or 899 euro (which presumably is also including shipping) is only 160 euro difference, so the difference isn’t THAT much IMHO..

      • Delano Chelarah

        The €714 isn’t including shipping!! were you get that from?

        • Andrew Jakobs

          It is.. $599 + $40 (shipping) = $639 converted to EURO = 584.971 add 21% tax (as you pay tax on the ammount including shipping) = 707.. hmm I guess converting rates were much higher during the announcement of the preorder for the Oculus, 741 is was back then (Or I’m missing another extra dutytax or something)..

          • MasterElwood

            The official price here is 699 Euro incl. tax. Shipping is 42 Euros.

          • Nisei

            And does that also include any import charges? (besides tax).
            That could easily add another €70 bringing the total for the Rift up to €800+

          • MasterElwood

            That is the final price incl. everything.

        • MasterElwood

          He said 741 Euro. That is the european price INCL. shipping.

          Also: with the rift you get 2 full AAA titles – not 9.99 junk like job simulator. Another $100 value.

    • Heimdal

      Well we shall se after the touch price plus tax and shipping on that, might actually pass the vive price.

    • Delano Chelarah

      Wait till you hear the Oculus Touch price you gonna talk different or feel sorrow!

  • Sky Castle

    I already pre-orded the Oculus, but I will be getting the Vive as well. I hope Valve is prepared this time unlike Oculus and we won’t have an internet meltdown while trying to pre-order. Just over a month away from both HMD releases I am so excited.

    • Delano Chelarah

      You bet site will overloaded!

      • Sky Castle

        Don’t jinx it lol. I’m practicing my speed on hitting the refresh button and have my credit card out and ready.

  • Matt R

    Vive = Will pre order, Oculus = Will Cancel (when I know I have the Vive ordered). Simply can’t afford both.

  • Peter

    Stil beats 350 goes 600 lol

  • Foreign Devil

    Costs that much more in Canada? Might as well just go across the border to USA to buy it. Less taxes too.

    • BlackMage

      Our currency has been plummeting in value compared to the USD, the figure above is only 68CAD off the actual conversion.

      • Foreign Devil

        OIL prices have bottomed out and our petro currency is on the rebound. . I think it i already back up to 73 cents now.

        • BlackMage

          Nifty, so by the time April comes around and the Vive actually comes we may be just getting screwed. Looks like the conversion number they chose was around the lowest point.

  • Badelhas

    I still think it’s more worthy than the Oculus Rift

  • Super Game-guru

    Cazzo, ma nessuno ricorda/ha provato la demo “Heavy Walker”??
    QUELLO è veramente stupendo! Avrei utilizzato l’Hydra solo per quello!

  • Mohamed Ouedarbi

    They have added Tilt Brush allso on the bundlle, i see this information on twitter. can you confirm please ?

  • MasterElwood

    Some vive prices (incl. tax & sipping):

    California… Total: $895.32
    990.25 € in sweden
    961 in Austria
    959.69€ in Germany
    972 Frankreich
    987.33€ in spain
    £746.60 UK
    Dänemark 990.25 €

    • ButWillItBlend

      Do these include VAT?

      • MasterElwood


  • Victor Velkov

    Will this be avaible worldwide?

  • MoreGaming MG

    I Wish I Could By One:(