Vive Pro Gets Detailed Teardown Confirming Samsung-made Displays

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Teardown experts iFixit have disassembled the new Vive Pro to see what they could find. In addition to confirming that the headset’s new displays are made by Samsung, the organization also gave the headset a favorable repairability score.

IFixit, which provides repair manuals and tools for consumer electronics, is the king of teardowns, and their latest victim is newly released Vive Pro. Their Vive Pro teardown walkthrough details the disassembly process (you can catch a video summary heading this article).

At the outset, an actual X-ray of the headset from Creative Electron shows the inner workings in detail, including every screw in the headset.

Image courtesy iFixit / Creative Electron / Jeff Suovanen (BY-NC-SA)

After removing the shell in Step 6, you can see the intricate ribbon cable which winds its way under the faceplate and connects to the headset’s 32 IR tracking sensors. Each sensor hides underneath one of the circular divots seen on the outside of the headset, which filter out non-infrared light, making it easier for the sensors to pick out the infrared light coming from the base station tracking beacons.

In Step 12 iFixit pulls out the optics assembly and removes the display from the lens housing to find a pair of 1,440 × 1,600 Samsung AMS350MU04 AMOLED displays, which is believed to be the same used in Samsung’s Odyssey VR headset.

Image courtesy iFixit / Jeff Suovanen (BY-NC-SA)

Having disassembled the entire headset, iFixit gives the Vive Pro an 8 out of 10 when it comes to repairability, citing the following:

✅Disassembly with standard tools is straightforward, nondestructive, and free of booby-traps.

✅Newly added earphones are completely modular and come with instructions for removal and installation.

✅Standard Phillips and Torx screws secure most components. High-wear comfort pads are secured with Velcro.

✅Compatibility with existing controllers and base stations means you may already know how to repair the required accessories.

➖Adhesive is used very sparingly, securing the lenses, microphone, and sensor arrays.

❌This is an unusually complex device with a lot of delicate bits, and the manufacturer does not provide a service manual—so use extra caution if attempting a repair.

In addition to other popular headsets, iFixit also tore down the original Vive (including controllers and base stations), which also saw an 8 out of 10 repairability rating.

HTC Vive Pro Headset Review: Welcomed Improvements Overshadowed By a Steep Price

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."