Cyborn is bringing Hubris (2022), the sci-fi adventure for PC VR headsets, to PSVR 2 this month, promising a host of improvements we hope will buff out more than a few dull spots in the otherwise visually impressive game.

There’s no precise release date yet; Cyborn says in a PS blog post that Hubris will land on PSVR 2 at some point in May, notably bringing along with it “enhanced graphics and gameplay.”

This includes foveated rendering for sharper resolution, haptics & adaptive triggers for swimming and shooting, revamped reloading and aiming, new enemy variations, refined difficulty levels, and 3D audio.

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Many of the things above were sorely lacking from the game when we reviewed the game at launch in late 2022, cementing it as a visually stunning, but ultimately pretty flawed shooter from the get-go.

Some of those improvements will eventually be added to the PC VR version, but “probably not on the same day as the PS VR 2 release as it requires a lot more testing on different headsets when it is stable enough,” the studio says in the game’s official Discord. Cyborn has also confirmed Hubris will also launch on Quest 2 at some point, although the studio hasn’t mentioned specifics.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • shadow9d9

    Pretty game that every single review said had utterly bland gameplay.

    • GmailIsDown

      i bought it on release but only started playing it a few months after its release on PC, figuring it would fix all the big issues by then. the game is visually really impressive, but gameplay is unpolished and screams indie in almost every aspect. it reminded me of early day 3D PC games decades ago. i still fell off the map during the intro section in the pod, got stuck on the ground, faced with invisible walls, and the climbing mechanics is worse and more glitchy than the Microsoft Kinect 1 day one games. shooting mechanics is really boring and monotonic. i have to constantly go out of my way to try to avoid the glitches to play the game. it is sad and disappointing, like dating a really pretty girl only to find out she is wooden, awkward, and unpleasant, and annoys you every step of the way, behind that pretty look. but again i do not regret my purchase. it still remains as one of the prettiest games after half life alyx.