IC Real Tech, a Florida based company specializing in surveillance cameras, has recently announced a successful investment round closing out at $15 million. Investment funds will go to continue development on the company’s pro-level IC720 camera and the consumer-level ALLie 360 x 360, devices featuring dual-sensor system for spherical video capture.


The company’s IC720 is something of a 360 professional-level surveillance camera, packing a 4K, 24-megapixel dual-sensor that allows for what the company calls ‘Virtual PTZ’ (pan-tilt-zoom). To view the video, IC Real Tech created a proprietary app which purportedly streams to smartphones, tablets, and VR headsets.

IC Real Tech has also revealed a new orb-shaped version of their portable consumer-focused ALLie camera, maintaining the company’s previous mashup naming scheme of the words “all” and “selfie”. Both IC720 and ALLie will become available for sale later this year. No word has yet been released on pricing for both devices, or general specs for the ALLie camera. We’ll also be waiting patiently to see how the company plans on streaming to VR headsets.

ALLie 360 x 360

IC Real Tech has posted a navigable 360 YouTube video that can be hiked up to the expected 4K resolution provided by the professional IC720 cam. Since YouTube normally detects frames per second upon upload, we’re assuming the video shown is under 60 FPS.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.