Piotr-IwanickiSUPERHOT VR is one of the standout VR games to come out with the Oculus Touch launch with its unique blend of the mechanics of a first-person shooter but with the strategy of a puzzle game. Physics-based interactions in VR are already compelling since it helps to cultivate plausibility within our brains through the expectation loop of prediction and observation. Tying your movements to the progression of time within the game provided me with a awe-inspiring experience of the fabric of space-time that’s completely unique to VR and feels like it has rewired my brain.


I had a chance to catch up with SUPERHOT VR game designer Piotr Iwanicki at Oculus Connect 3 where we talked about how they had to ditch the original teleportation mechanic and really focus on cultivating a sense of body presence using the Oculus Touch controllers. He also talks about the joys of a moving in a slow motion ballet environment while being the midst of a non-stop, intense action-movie sequence.

'SUPERHOT VR' Review – Become One With the Gun

Even though the bullet-dodging mechanic is primarily based upon your head positions and not your lower body movements, the low fidelity graphics offer a blank slate for you to project your full sense of body presence into the experience. As Piotr says, “most of the action is happening in your head.” So much so that one developer kicked over a monitor after getting so immersed and forgetting that their feet were not even being tracked.

There’s a distinct lack of abstracted gameplay within SUPERHOT VR; it’s based upon your physical body movements, and so it’s able to cultivate a deep sense of embodied presence. The perceived danger of red crystal enemies running at you with guns pointed at your head also contributes to the “bat test” insight (that presence can be increased when there’s an artificial threat presented). You’re also able to do a series of slow-motion actions that just make you feel like a complete badass.

Overall, SUPERHOT VR is one of the more innovative gameplay mechanics that I’ve seen in VR so far. It’s compelling enough to give new VR users a taste of what type of gaming experiences are uniquely possible within VR, but also has a lot of deep lessons for VR designers for how cultivate and maintain a deep sense of presence.

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Music: Fatality & Summer Trip

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  • OgreTactics

    I don’t call this indie game, I call this art game, I’ve been collecting them for years. And the fact that the VR version was hinted at the very end of Superhot was great.

  • James Friedman

    This game has caused me to sweat the most so far. I love it

    • Get Schwifty!

      LOL ikr… about the only games that actually caused a bit of fog on my lenses… while not the *best* game out there, it should be a fundamental purchase for anyone wanting to experience a more unique VR experience. Playing this in 2D just doesn’t cut it at all.

  • wheeler

    It’s a great game no doubt and I had a lot of fun with it. It’s not the “killer app” or whatever some people are saying–not by a long shot, but it’s still great. However I’m not going to consider buying it until (if ever) it’s no longer exclusive–hopefully people will still have some interest at that point.

    • burzum

      Same here. I’m avoiding buying stuff in the Oculus Store, even if it’s only available there. The devs already said the VR version will be available on Steam. Guess it will just take some time until their exclusive deal runs out.

      Oculus is fucking stupid to make their multiplayer games exclusives. I’ve effectively stopped playing Dead and Buried because of a lack of players. Waiting a really long time and not getting a match most of the time is really disappointing. Plus it likes to crash and has bugs. This won’t get better by splitting the ecosystem… The game is actually fun, if there would be players…

      • Get Schwifty!

        Not sure when you are playing but I know playing in East Coast time in the afternoon evenings I never have to wait long to find players. i have only had one crash in Dead and Buried out of maybe four hours of play, not that it’s acceptable, but it’s far less grim than you make it sound from my own experience.