‘Iron Man’ is Coming to PlayStation VR in 2019, Trailer Here


Sony today announced a number of games coming to PS4 and PSVR, among which was Marvel’s Iron Man VR.

PlayStation Worldwide Studios, Camoflage and Marvel Games today announced Iron Man VR as a part of Sony’s inaugural episode of ‘State of Play’, a livestreaming showcase dedicated to announcements and updates around PS4 and PSVR games.

Image courtesy Sony

The company says Iron Man VR should be landing on PSVR headsets sometime in 2019. From the trailer, linked above and below, we see Iron Man jumping from a plane and going about a shooting mission, which could foretell PS Move support. Some of the video is labeled ‘Not Actual Gameplay’, although that particular part isn’t.

There’s currently a page dedicated to the game, although it appears the URL is broken at the time of this writing, meaning information about the game is still thin on the ground. We’ll check back with more as the website goes live.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Firestorm185

    Wow, being made by the Republique guys. Can’t wait!

  • Smokey_the_Bear

    Not hearing Robert Downey Jr. voice, just feels wrong.

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  • Adrian Meredith

    feels, sounds and looks quite cheap like they spent 90% of the budget on licensing

  • Graham

    Man I want this to be good but from that video, I have a horrible wave shooter suspicion…..

  • jwvanderbeck

    If this urns out to be more than just an Iron Man themed on rails shooter that the trailer shows, then I just might have to break down and buy a Playstation.