jenn-duongJenn Duong is the Director of VR at 1215creative as well as the co-founder of “SH//FT,” which stands for “Shaping Holistic Inclusion in Future Technology.” SH//FT has been partnering with VR companies who plan on supporting diversity and inclusion initiatives within emerging technology by giving out scholarships & grants, supporting education, and cultivating community.

I had a chance to catch up with Jenn at the Rothenberg Ventures Founder Field Day where we talked about the importance of diversity, some of SH//FT’s specific plans to creating equal opportunity for everyone within VR, and Jenn’s career path from entry-level VR position to becoming a Director of VR within the last year.


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  • Bryan Ischo

    Unfortunately, nobody is actually looking for equal opportunity. Everyone is looking for equal outcomes, which is a different and much more insidious thing.

    • Charles

      Equal opportunity has been the law since the 1960’s. If you want to try to encourage demographics that are typically not interested to become interested, GREAT! You will have my FULL SUPPORT. If you instead want to discriminate based on race or sex, or to divisively insist that the typical demographics are purposefully trying to keep the other demographics out out of hatred, you have my full opposition. Choose one or the other. But choose wisely.

    • Bryan Ischo

      To illustrate my point:

      Equal opportunity is when 10 candidates apply to a job, 5 are men, 5 are women, and each is evaluated purely in terms of merit.

      Equal outcomes is when someone doesn’t like the results of that selection, and insists that a representative number of one or the other gender must be chosen.

      • brandon9271

        Its the latest trend of people solving a problem that doesn’t exist. Like the lack of women in STEM fields. Most women i know aren’t interested in STEM. When will we, as people finally admit that biology plays a role in our chosen professions and stop trying to pretend it’s some invisible patriarchy or racism? People tend to gravitate toward different roles in society based on there gender and race. Why are most nurses women? Why are there so few white men in the NBA?

  • MV

    SJW trying to ruin yet another medium.

  • Jim Cherry

    love how balanced the comments are here ;}