Rockstar Games, the mega studio behind Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, and plenty more, are officially bringing Oculus Rift support to its first VR title, L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files. The game, which previously launched on HTC Vive via Steam late last year, is an adaptation of L.A. Noire (2011), which has had a number of its missions reworked specifically for VR.

Update (03/28/18): ‘L.A. Noire VR’ is coming to Rift March 29th, replete with official support for Oculus Touch. Before, it was only possible to play on Rift by using a clever workaround provided by the creator of Revive. While the workaround is likely to no longer necessary on Steam as well, thanks to official Rift support, the original article detailing it follows below in the event Rockstar has decided not to update the Steam build with official Oculus support.

Check out why we gave it [5.8/10] in our review here.

LA Noire is a unique game to say the least—designed as a sort of action-detective game, the title employed some of the top facial motion capture of its time to present believable characters for players to interrogate as they investigate crimes on the streets of 1940’s LA.

Image courtesy Rockstar Games

The LA Noire: The VR Case Files VR adaptation presents seven cases from the original game which Rockstar says were “picked for their suitability to the virtual reality experience.” The studio says the game also features upgraded visuals, textures, and effects, as well as being made for interaction with motion controllers, and further that more than 500 props have been upgraded for close handling in VR, along with more than 100 custom hand poses and animations for item interactions within the game.

Meta to Dissolve App Lab Next Month, Putting More Steam Behind Early Access Program

LA Noire: The VR Case Files is available now on Steam, Viveport, and Rockstar Warehouse. Expect a full review of the title from Road to VR soon.

Rift Support, Minimum Specifications, and Hardware Incompatibility

While most games built for OpenVR/SteamVR inherently support the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift (even if not optimized for the Rift’s controls) early reports indicate that LA Noire: The VR Case Files VR explicitly doesn’t support the Rift, presenting players with a “headset not supported” message when trying to boot the game a headset other than the Vive.

Update (12/16/17): An unofficial workaround has emerged which adds support for the Rift and Windows VR headsets to LA Noire VR. The workaround was developed by the creator of Revive. Original article continues below.

Unfortunately for those running on systems just meeting the baseline ‘VR Ready’ specs,  the game’s minimum and recommended specifications exceed that line by roughly one GPU tier. The studio advises the following:

LA Noire: The VR Case Files VR Minimum Specifications

  • OS: Windows 8.1, Windows 10 64 bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-4790K @ 3.6GHz
  • Memory: 8GB
  • Video Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1070 8GB

LA Noire: The VR Case Files VR Recommended Specifications

  • OS: Windows 8.1, Windows 10 64 bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-6700K @ 4.0GHz
  • Memory: 16GB
  • Video Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080 8GB

Despite being delayed roughly a month from its initial release, the game still has some odd hardware compatibility issues with specific CPU and GPU combinations, including total lack up support for AMD GPU and CPU combos. Rockstar advises:

Due to current performance issues with AMD hardware, only specific combinations of AMD and NVIDIA/Intel Hardware will allow the game to play as intended:

  • If using an AMD Ryzen 7 CPU, an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (or above) graphics card is required to play
  • If using an AMD Vega 56 graphics card, an Intel i7 6700 (or above) CPU is required to play
  • Attempting to use an AMD CPU and GPU together to play the game is not supported at this time

The studio further says “over time programming changes will change the system requirements for this game,” hopefully for the better.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Xron

    So, now we have reason to stop Oculus hate train, when people blame them because of exclusives. PLS end it -.-

    • Octopus started it :D

      • Raphael


      • daveinpublic

        I think the average age on this site has gone down.

        • So you see one child like comment made and assume that :)

      • gothicvillas

        Zuckopus ;)

    • Luke

      but oculus allow vive users to buy and play games thx to revive. in the time machine, in the past, they are blocking it, but not today.
      and they said in the future they will support other brands of hmd if I’m not wrong: thx for help but your link explain how to fix the old model of arturia keyboard, but my keyboard is the new one called minilab “MKII”.

      • Raphael

        Allowing someone to use a hack for games that exclude vive isn’t support.

        • Luke

          better than nothig, but I have also linked an article where they say they will propbably start to support third party HMD.

          • Raphael

            Yes, Nate said the target date is 2023 for that.

        • J.C.

          Exactly. Oh, I *CAN* play games from the oculus store on my Vive, but they flat out refuse to directly support it.
          It’s absolutely intentional. If ReVive can be cobbled together (very quickly, btw) by a third party, it would be pretty easy to make official support. The headsets really aren’t terribly different, but Oculus wants to believe they’re like the PlayStationand its digital store. The problem is that they aren’t selling the PlayStation; they’re selling the monitor. *I* provide the PlayStation.

          • Raphael


      • NooYawker

        99% of games on steam can be played on the oculus. Revive was created by someone in the community because zero games can be played on the Vive from the oculus store. Maybe wait for someone in the oculus community to create one for the oculus.

        • Luke

          I agree with you. But I dislike the behaviour of Oculus and Vive exclusives. they are childish.

  • impurekind

    ‘“over time programming changes will change the system requirements for this game,” hopefully for the better.’

    One would hope.

  • Luke

    R* I do not understand why, in a moment so important like a debut, half of the audience must be kicked out. and they maybe are almost all your fans…

  • ender707

    The lack of rift support would upset me more if the game was also not lacking AMD support. I guess if we all bought more shark cards R* may have been able to dedicate a few more resources to this game…?

  • PJ

    No Rift support and ‘Attempting to use an AMD CPU and GPU together to play the game is not supported at this time’


    • Raphael

      Do you kick-off enraged when an octopus game launches without vive support?

      • PJ

        “octopus” My god, go back to IGN with all the the other kids and there pathetic insults.

        When I had my Vive it did my head in that I had to use 3rd party software to actively ‘unlock’ content as I didn’t own the right peripheral to play on the open platform this PC gaming, it should be open, not a console esq ecosystem with closed platforms, now I own a Rift, and it still does my head in.

        But thanks for your valuable input

        • Raphael

          “Octopus” triggered you? Funny how you assume it’s an insult. So if someone actually does insult octopus vr do you go mental and shoot up a school?

          • PJ

            You’ve completely gone off track, this is an article about a computer game, now your taking about shooting up a school, what the hell is wrong with you?

          • Raphael

            I’m just concerned you may be s danger flappy. All it took was an octopus to set you off.

            Octopus rift…octopus rift.. octopus rift.

          • ipollute

            What a child you are.

          • Raphael

            Says the kiddy who pollutes.

          • ipollute

            What? Are you drunk or did your momma drop you as an infant?

          • Raphael

            What? Are u too dumb to read your own name? Jog on chav.

          • ipollute

            I can read my nickname, what I don’t understand is what the heck it is you’re trying to say. I mean seriously, ” says the kiddy who pollutes”? Like, what the hell does that even mean.

          • Raphael

            Well u pollute this site and we must assume you pollute offline as well since you went to the trouble of telling everyone “ipollute”. You getting it yet you simpleton zombie polluter?

            If you don’t pollute then why not change your name to idumbknob?






          • ipollute

            There is only one proper response for you.

            ”what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”

            Goodbye child.

          • Raphael

            blah blah?


            I’m trying to help you here flappy. Ditch the “ipollute”

          • daveinpublic

            Wow. Just, wow.

          • Raphael


          • gothicvillas


          • PJ


          • Marco Dena

            + 1

          • Raphael


          • Raphael

            Good boy.

  • J.C.

    Steam reviews are pretty positive, looks like a “big name” finally put out a game that isn’t a trainwreck at launch (provided your hardware meets their laughably strict options). Hopefully it isn’t a Vive exclusive for long, and I swear I saw that there’s already a hacked workaround for it. I have friends with WMR headsets that they got for cheap during Black Friday, and they’re as left out as the Rift community.

    Thankfully Valve is working on more direct WMR headset support, and maybe by the time the next generation of VR kits launch, we’ll see more standardization across platforms. Oculus will need to support all headsets and stop pretending they’re the only ones around. I love that they fund games that wouldn’t exist otherwise, but it seems terribly stupid to then limit who can purchase them. Hardware exclusives are a stupid idea for a niche market, it only serves to harm.

    • NooYawker

      Facebook doesn’t want to sell software, they need people to use their headset and install cameras (sensors) to get all that juicy data.

      • JJ

        exactly. and these are the responses they should expect after admitting theyre harvesting our data and that we agreed to do it so its ok.

      • MeowMito

        They can watch me fapping in vr porn all day in 360 view.

        • NooYawker

          LoL. More power to you brother.

  • Luke

    nooo I can’t belive it! awesome news!!!! thx R*G!!!!! ^_^

  • Alfredo Villar

    I do not recommend buying anything from Oculus. It has the worst customer service I’ve seen. I got some defective rift oculus on the screen and the solution they give me is to buy others, not only that, they do not have repair service, that is, if any time you break any component or it comes to you, they will not take charge.
    Look that: