Version 3 of NewRetroArcade is out and in addition to its already formidable reputation and feature list, it brings Sega Genesis and adds the ability for enthusiasts to build their own arcade cabinets.

NewRetroArcade was launched last year to an almost unanimously positive reception. Its technically adept and artful recreation of a cabinet-filled arcade hall circa ’80s-’90s, and its attention to detail with reference to the arcade games themselves left the early adopter community reeling to see a space in VR with such a high level of fit and finish.

Digital Cybercherries, the mysterious group of developers behind NewRetroArcade, have now updated their landmark demo in its third version to support Sega CD and Sega Genesis emulators, topping off an already option-rich game environment that previously included NES, SNES and MAME emulators.

Download NewRetroArcade

Something that ought to come as welcome news to the modders among NewRetro’s user base is the integration of an Arcade Builder, a tool that lets you customize nearly every facet of the demo. This includes the ability to import everything from your own ROMS for every emulator supported, to user-created cabinet art and marquees for the games. Posters, tapes, and radio stations are also now configurable, truly making the space into your personal arcade hall.

See Also: Review: ‘NewRetroArcade’ is a Must-play Homage to Video Game Culture Old and New

Unlike versions past however, V3 of NewRetroAracade requires you to manually download offsite ROM packs, likely a legal stipulation from Oculus so that they can host their demo on Oculus Share. The download and importation process is painless though, and gets you up and running classic arcade titles like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(1989) and Joust(1982) in no time.

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So all that’s left to complete the full immersion into my childhood is the persistent lack of quarters, and that one mean kid with the rat-tail that would cheat at skee ball. Or better yet, maybe it’s fine just the way it is.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Jacob Pederson

    Wow this is great news! What’s next, editable carpet patterns! Seriously though, this game has no right to exist this early in VR’s life. It’s like a game from ten years in the future. Also, you forgot to mention Game Boy and cassette tape emulation.